2. broken

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I hate him
I hate him for leaving me .
I hate him for leaving mom .
For leaving us .

I stood there watching as my father gets thrown six feet under , my heart ached , i feel broken for the  first time in so many years , he left me with nothing but a marriage that will not stay for long .

Tears threatened to leave my eyes ,i tried holding them back ,but i couldn't so i let myself feel the loss .

A small arm wrapped me in its embrace , i turned around to see my mother , realizing that she started growing grey hair and a few wrinkles here and there, she looked exhausted ,but still beautiful as always.

At the funeral , i was hoping zach would show up even for a little support ,but he didn't.

Is this how much he hates me that he couldn't be here to even support me , well he isn't the only one who was forced into this fake marriage , A marriage in letters .
A marriage that i don't believe in .

The funeral ended and everyone went on their way , i looked up to my mother and with teary eyes told her to hold on .

Hugging her i left , broken and confused . i stormed into  the house and on the top floor , without knocking the door to his room , i barged right in .

And that was the mistake i would never repeat .

A red head was completely naked and on top of him ,moans escaping her mouth , i don't know what i was more disgusted about , him being married to me and then screwing or him screwing someone on the same day i needed support .

They stopped at whatever they were doing. He turned around to look at me and i saw no guilt , nothing .

"Did you ever hear the word knock" the red head asked .

"Get out" i stared at him and whisper yelled at her , my  voice cracking at the end.

"You can't just tell me to-"

"I said fucking get out or else I'll call the guards" i yelled at the top of my lungs with tears flowing out unstoppable.

"Who are you to-"

"His wife , now get the fuck out" i hissed .

With a horror expression,she got up and quickly wore her slutty dress that she came in with .

Without turning back she ran out the door closing it behind me .

I looked at him as he slowly got up not bothering to cover himself .

He wore his button up shirt and finally the jeans , stalling towards me.

He stood just an inch away from me and spoke .

"What is your problem , why do you have to be a pain in the-"

A loud noise echoed throughout the room , a noise that i didn't realize came from a slap on his cheek .

"You.are.disgusting" i spat at him venomously.

"Good to know" with a cheeky grin he moved away from me and almost out the door ,when he froze after what i told him.

"I want a divorce"

"You know the contract-"

"You can take that contract and Shove it up your ass , i will not repeat myself Zachary Dean Herron , we.are.done" i told him before i stormed out the room and shutting the door on his face.

i locked myself in my room and cried, i let myself finally feel the pain that i had caged up for a whole year.

throwing decorations and messing up my room , i let myself get exhausted and then finally drifted off to a slumber.

Zach's POV

she slapped me .

How dare she do that , who the heck does she think she is .

if i stay in this house any longer , i will eventually end up murdering her.

I quickly got out of the house and into the car , with a loud roar the engine came into life .

I don't know how or when it happened but i stood outside my parents house.

As i entered , the door man Jonathan greeted me with a smile as always.
I nodded and went in.

"Zach you're here" My mother's voice came from the lounge.


"How did the funeral go?" My mother asked.

"Funeral?" I asked confused.

"Yes, of Veronica's father" she told.

"Uh , it was ok , she cried alot but whatever" i shrugged and started walking into my room until her voice stopped me.

"liar" my mother accused me.

Well she wasn't wrong, i did lie about the funeral , i could give two fucks about it.

"why did you not attend the funeral Zach?" Her voice lased with venom.

"Because i had more important things to do" i sinply answered.

"Ah, like screwing a slut"

"Did veronica tell you?" Anger boiling in me.

"I have eyes and ears zach and let me tell you if this contract gets even slightly broken i will make sure to disown you from the company" she hissed.

"So you only care about the contract and not Veronica?" I asked curiously.

"Of course i do , she is a keeper Zach , she's gorgeous and intelligent, her personality is strong unlike the girls you like to ride"

"What i do shouldn't be any of your concern mommy dearest" rolling my eyes , i went upstairs and into my room.

"You better apologize to her Zach or else" she yelled from the lounge.

"Hmmph apologize my ass" i muttered under my breath.

Staying in my room for quite a while was frustrating me , maybe i should say sorry-

No! I'm Zach herron , i never apologize.

With a smirk on my face i called my ex.

"Hi Catherine , how are you?"

"Amazing , what made you call me?" She said seductively.

"i need some thing to ease my frustration"

"Oh i know exactly what i can give you" i could see a smile appear on her face.

"Great , be at your place in ten" and with that i canceled the call.

I got up and out the door , before i could walk out of the house , my mother spoke but something that i was not expecting.

"I want a grandchild , A heir to the companies and Zachary Dean Herron , if i don't get one soon wait til i take away the company from you" she threatened and very much true to her words.

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