Untitled Part 32

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I'm not sure who's still reading this and if you've read it all the way though but here's my message to you.

You are beautiful 

You are Kind 

You are wanted 

Your feelings are valid 

Your not stupid 

What you are feeling is ok

Don't hold those feelings in 

You're unique 

You are someones reason to smile ever day 

You are an amazing, talented person who has so much potential 

When i posted these quotes i was in my own slumped I'd been told by my therapist that it was my fault that my life was a mess, that it was my fault and that the feelings i was having weren't valid. It took me so long to realise her opinion didn't matter. Don't let other peoples opinions bring you down 

I know i'm just a stranger on the internet to you but i don't want anything to happen to you because of something did the world would've lost another amazingly talented, unique, beautiful person.

Love yourself, I know it's hard to sometimes, but you need to heal and accept yourself before you can do anything more with your life.

Take a deep breath, go for a walk if you can, try to clear your head, things may not get better tomorrow, in a week, in a month or a year but you will get there eventually and when you do you can look in a mirror and say to yourself and everyone who doubted you. I survived 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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