Rejected Mate #1

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"This girl is still not ready." A lady yelled from kitchen.

"Neither I will be, this time too some stupid boy will come, I am going to reject him, so why I should waste my time? Isn't it better I go to my office and do something workable?" She said trying to touch sweets which were kept beside her.

"Don't even think that." Her mother glared her making her shook her head.

"What?" She raised her brows and started to squeeze her nose.

"Going office as well as eating sweet." She replied jerking girl's hands which was going to touch samosa this time.

"Not fair Mom, see they'll not able to eat this much so let me eat moreover you must want to know how these are." Before she could complete her brother came there and slapped her forehead.

"Swara Di, I already told her, and you go otherwise Dad will be angry." Advay said with teasing smile.

"You think I am afraid of him?" She smilingly said but next moment jumped from slab hearing her father voice "they'll come in an hour."

"I am going in room; don't tell him I was here." She said running from there without listening Advay's words.

"Mom, if everything is ready then can I go for my classes?" Advay said.

"You both brother sister only knows how to trouble me, you're not going anywhere." She angrily said, Advay's face fell. He silently moved from there cursing his sister and mother.

Another side, Swara started to become ready mumbling "why even I am doing this? I had some stuff to do in office but here she is behind me for this stupidity."

She angrily applied kajal but cried irritatingly seeing it's not perfectly applied.

"Swara have patience." She mumbled breathing and put smile on her face "everything will be perfect, you'll reject him then again happily ever after" thinking she started to do her work.

Nearly after an hour she became ready, and looked herself in mirror "not bad, he'll definitely say yes but poor he, I am going to reject him." Saying this she chuckled, and about to touch her mobile but stopped by her mother.

"They came." Her mother came there and looked at her.

"You still don't know how to adjust dupatta properly." She said pinning it properly.

Swara made faces and tried to move but smacked by her mother at shoulder "today no stupidity."

Swara rolled her eye mumbling "I never do."

"I heard." Her mother said, Swara shook her head sideway.

"Ma, Dad is calling you both." Advay came there.

Trio moved, Swara looked at family. Her eye started to search for groom.

"I guess he got afraid, wow Swara you have good reputation." She thought moving with her mother.

She made sit beside boy's family who asked her certain questions, which Swara answered calmly.

"Sorry, I was stuck in traffic." A boy said coming there.

"It's okay." Swara's Dad said.

He greeted all, and sat beside Swara's Dad who asked few questions, and impressed by him meanwhile Swara was stealing glance, and used to lower her eye whenever he used to see her.

"I guess we should give them chance to talk." Boy's mother said.

"Yes, after all they have to spend life." Boy's father added.

Rejected Mate (Swasan Story) ✔Where stories live. Discover now