Ask No. 1

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@BrookeLohstsoul : Are Evan, Jeremy, or Brooke Furrys?

Evan: Where did you get that from? To answer your question, no I am no-

Jerid: I caught him trying out a tail.

Evan: JERID! I was doing it to help with YOUR little sister's costume! Near Halloween! 

Jerid: How DARE you insinuate that my sister is a FURRY?!


Jeremy: I mean, I wouldn't say I am. But I don't have anything against Furrys. You do you, man. Just try not to give a bad representation of other Furrys. Keep the bedroom stuff in the bedroom.

Brooke: Exactly! And my answer would be, I actually do enjoy the tail and ears! Occasionally paws. But I don't have a Fursona or wear all-out Fur suits.  I don't do it in public though. Especially not at school. With the stigma against Furrys, that would ruin my reputation!

Jeremy: Yeah, it must suck for Furrys. To be hated because of something you enjoy? Not cool man. 

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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