.seventh chapter

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"I refuse to play around with you."

She glared down at the glass, which did little to conceal who was on the other side. Though he couldn't see her, he could tell her expression from the way her tone flattened. The aura she emitted shown rage, and he could just picture the way her nose flared as her frustration expanded.

"And you suppose I'm playing?"

His tone was stiff, lacking the amused drawl it held on the times before. She noticed, and was briefly taken by surprise. However, she didn't let something like that get her down.

"Of course you are! Everyone knows about your sick sense of humor."

"So you're saying my plan to murder you on national television was some sick joke, do you?"

He sneered, breaking out into a coughing fit. Being near this bitch always had his pressure up way too high. Why did they even bother letting her in, anyhow?

"I am not lying."

"But you could be lying about that."

He gave a slow, dark chuckle. Oh, so clever with a lack of trust... He supposed he robbed her of something else after all.

"But by the same logic, I could be telling the truth, no?"

"I'd believe their words over someone like yours."

"Haha..! As if they've been telling you the truth like I had!"

Again, she was at a pause. The old man licked his lips, moving to lean a bit forward. The chains around his wrist created noise, causing the girl to release a gasp at the sudden movement.

He supposed he couldn't put it past her. This window was a one way sight. Only she could see him, not the other way around. Despite that, he still managed to pinpoint where she was. His eyes always fell to hers. He always seemed to be looking at her directly, to the point where it left her uncomfortable. That very thing was enough to send him into another cackle fit, which of course, ended with him spitting out the blood that poured in from earlier.

She never did ask about the blood. He supposed she hadn't cared.

Good for her.

"Tell me, Princess Bitch... When was the last time they told you the truth?"

More silence. The man couldn't hide his laugh.

"Damn! That long, huh?"

"What are you getting at?"

"You're suppose to be their own flesh and blood, yet they can't trust you enough to tell you the truth? Fucking rough, I must say.."

She sounded exasperated. "Scrounge!"

"They never told you that you were without power, did they?"

Quirkless. He meant Quirkless. Her parents never did tell her that she was Quirkless.

Perhaps they never gotten the chance too, considering their accident and all. But she could recall those times in that cold place, all the research that had happened, and everything. They could've told her then, but they never had. She learned it two years after their accident, by Aizawa, no less.

The man took the silence as a confirmation. It wasn't like they actually needed too, either. He kept tabs on her whereabouts, he knew that they didn't.

"Pitiful. Couldn't trust their supposed 'everything' with a very important fact.. Almost as if they were ashamed that they failed."

He kept going on about how she was 'supposedly' the offspring of Meta-Atom. A few sessions ago, he gave his reasons for why he said it. But she refused to believe it! He had to have been lying to her... There was no other way besides that.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2022 ⏰

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