Dear Lefroys

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To everyone who's trying to read this rant, please make sure you read it with an open mind and if you happen to comment "NOT ALL MEN" then heyy this one was exactly for you. Yes. it was meant to offend you. And too late you can't take that to the cleaners. I've fulfilled my destiny, so I can rest in the 6th realm.

Still if you decide to continue, here you've buttered your bread now lie in it.

Unfortunately being a 'bro-gal' was the great compliment a girl could receive in the 'non woke era'. Getting in a cool circle where you were the only girl was so cool that people included that in movies.
But like every plot twist in history,Multiple times they asked me to set them up with one of my hot friends. And I did.
Jealousy was the last thing on the table obviously.
What bothered me was, they complained even after getting in relationships.
How she never watches cricket, "dude usko test aur one day me difference nahi pata" , How she's so high maintenance, How she doesn't get your jokes,how she has never watched any marvel movie, How she has piles of 'issues'.

If she has issues, honey so do you. Firstly, all the troubles you're having are basically related to her personality and her interests which if i'm not wrong, never was your predilection. Shocking right !
Ever thought, the girl you just 'bon passe' to (oh of course guys don't sugarcoat bullshitt with french, they just simply "3/10 would not bang") could actually be everything you're looking for but of course the $200 jordan's you just bought doesn't come with acumens.

If only you could have used more than one of your senses to amount a girl(read chic).
The concept of knowing someone based completely on their personalities, is foreign to most of you. Do we even care if she's a serial killer? Nope. As long as she's pretty its all valid.
By default if there is some Contrariety, we can just make a Punchnama movie, and demonize all women because why not.

Ideally I should've started with "But i don't blame you..the pop culture did this to you"
No I won't. I know the 'Anjali Rahul Tina' bullshitt was partly responsible for the collective awry and off-course mentality but lemme just ask, did you actually turn into Devdas when you watched it? Did you start shooting amok when you saw Waseypur?
Then why the fuck would you 'eponine-zone' a girl and run after another one who's probably a wax statue of an Aphrodite according to you .

Oh I forgot guys only think they're the only specie to get friendzoned right? maybe they're the only specie to breath, eat and survive too?
The reason we don't hear about the unfair tales of friendzoning is because every meme page in this universe is handled by a guy. And girls don't declare their anecdotes in front of the whole universe (only the girlworld).

Am I watching too many movies? Maybe. But you'd get apprisingly cynical if every 8 out of 10 guys you meet are Ruby Diggers.
So what you're 'THE' nice guy. So what she's torturing you. so what you're doing everything humanly possible for her in the name of love.
Just remind yourself how it all started. Was it love at first site??
Was she so pretty that you almost got blinded by it??
The next time someone pities you with "she's exploiting him" please know you had a choice. You chose someone like that. You had every option of choosing that one who might understand you? and actually make equal efforts.
But you chose her because in the number line she was a solid 9 and you, a 6.

The world only knows about Earnest Hemmingway's broken heart by a nurse but ever heard if that occurred to someone else equally famous?
Well this idiot Tom Lefroy broke Jane Austen's heart which quite never got retored.
So maybe this one time when you choose a person based on their appearances and then suffer, you won't blame the ugly cruel world but your own shallow sandbanks.
Thank you for bearing this hateful shitt and I know i'm talking up the wrong tree but truth hurts and i'm gonna sign off.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2019 ⏰

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