'|I got this!...kinda|'

184 1 101

There will be mentions of Rape in this character's form. NO, I am not going to roleplay scenes of rape in the roleplay. It will be mentioned, yes, but not roleplayed.

if you feel uncomfortable roleplaying with this character, please skip over this page.


<Full Name>
"I don't need anyone else's help. I can do this by myself."
Simon Kwon

<Meaning of Name>
Simon: "listen"
Kwon: "authority"


January 8th


<Languages spoken>
Mandarin Chinese- Korean- English- French- Sign language- Polish



<Good traits>
•Good morals

<Bad Traits>
•Closed off
•Short temper
•Extremely insecure

Simon fiddles with the sleeves of his shirt when he's nervous, and if he's afraid or uncomfortable he'll shove his hands into his pockets deeply, almost as if trying to hide.

•Owen Tennessee •Art •Staying at home •Men •Spicy food •Quiet •His kids •Sleeping •Smoking •Astronomy •Music

•Women •Women • Women •His 'family' •Crowds •Being looked down upon •Being judged •Being told how to parent •Being lied to •Interacting with people


Simon is a very closed-off individual. He won't be open about anything to anyone, doesn't trust anyone but himself, doesn't WANT to trust anyone but himself. But...honestly? He's just-

"Shut up."

Simon was a very outgoing kind of kid when he was younger. He was happy, always so trusting of people and willing to give them second chances. He understood everyone made mistakes as that's what his parents taught him, and he had grown up with this mentality throughout his school years.

He got his first girlfriend when he was fifteen, and he loved her dearly. He understood that loving someone and simply liking them were two different things, but at the time he seriously did love the girl with all his heart. He was respectful towards her, never showed her off to any of his friends as he knew she wasn't an object as some of the guys thought women were, always enjoyed his time with her and gave her space if she needed. Halfway through the school year however, a couple of months after he started dating her, some strange rumors had begun to pop up...

"She seduces men!"

"I heard she tricked some guy into having sex with her..."

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