This is gonna be harder than expected.

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Julia knows how to get around the wayne. The Gyre really doesn't, though, and she finds them in a new and unique peril about twice a day.

When A particularly rough day leaves Ansi with a concussion and Wendell with a sprained foot, she decides to come to the group personally and offers to help them prevent further accidents.

Saraline and Olly timbers, being the nice and friendly children that they are, refuse immediately.

"Guys, let me remind you about your two injured members. Ansi and Wendell are my friends as much as they are yours, and-"

"You can help by getting Ansi some aspirin. All we have are some ice packs and they're not helping." Saraline said bluntly.

Julia raised her brow and looked over the duo of short gingers blocking the entrance to the hutch, where Ansi was fast asleep with several ice packs around his head. "You guys, Still have him."

Olly raised his brow in turn. "Yes?"

"Ansi is concussed and you haven't even thought of bringing him back to his dad or, better yet, a Hospital?" Julia raised her voice at the two kids, causing Ansi to begin to stir.

"He wanted to stay with us!" Olly stepped toward the young girl standing in front of them as his voice raised as well.

"He is injured! It doesn't matter what he wants, he needs to be with an adult!" Julia copied him by stepping forward as well and puffing her chest out.

"The gyre doesn't need adults! We can take this on our own!"

"Guys!" Saraline stepped in between them, she sighed to herself.  "Julia has a point. Ansi should be with his dad right now more than anyone." Olly grumbled at his sister. "Alright." he turned around. "I'll get him." He snuck one last angry glance at Julia before walking off.

Saraline rubbed her head a little to relieve the stress. "He's the most stubborn kid in the wayne." Julia stepped back and loosened up a little. "Tell me about it."

Their eyes met for a short moment before Saraline withdrew hers and leaned into the doorframe. "Y'know, you aren't really a bad person, Wiles." There were sounds of Olly trying to wake up his friend in the background, but the space between her and Julia stayed quiet.

"What i'm saying is, it's not that i don't want you around because i think negatively of you in the slightest. It's just that, You aren't really a member of the gyre, like the rest of us."

"And that means i can't be your friend?"

Saraline raised her hands up in defense. "No no no, it's just, this whole group feels pretty exclusive. The only reason Wendell and the others are even close to us is because they're gyre members too. And i'd say even they're not as close to us as me and Olly and Ansi. It's just us, just us against the world sometimes."

Saraline walked over to Julia and leaned on the wall next to her. she held the cap of her hat and pulled it down, obscuring her face. "And Olly, He's open to what he's familiar with, adventure, cracking jokes, his friends, but he's rarely ever open to change. Heck, the only time i remember him not fighting against change was when he let Ansi on the team."

Julia turned to her. "What about the gyre, though?"

"Well, you're right, he's been tolerating the gyre in a way, but he sticks with us. I'm sure if i said Leif, or Goodness would go with us on adventures from now on, He'd put his foot down."

She put her hand on julia side and gave it a little pat. "Again, no hard feelings, but if you want to be with us, you're gonna have to try a little harder than this."

"That's not what i'm asking, though." Julia said. Saraline cocked her head. "What?" Julia turned to her in response. "I'm asking to help you guys. Give you a couple pointers to prevent all of this," She motioned toward the hutch, "From happening again."

"Hmph." Saraline looked into the hutch and saw Olly incessantly dotting over Ansi. "I'll consider it." she sighed before walking back into the hutch "Olly, Let him leave, Right now." She swiped Olly out of the way the gently led Ansi out of the room.

Ansi looked like crap. His hair was an explosion compared to the nicely kempt doo he usually had, he had bags filled with bags under his eyes with an absolutely heartbreaking half lidded look. "Oh, You poor soul!" Julia gasped at the sight of him as she put her hands on his shoulders.

"You wouldn't mind taking him home for us, right? I need to make sure Olly doesn't make things harder than they need to be." Saraline  backed up towards the hutch again. Julia nodded. "Of course." Saraline stood at the door frame to prevent the Hutch from closing up. "Oh, and ask Albert if he has aspirin. Get him some if he doesn't cause he really needs some painkillers, he was groaning louder than a ghost before he passed out earlier." Before Julia could respond, saraline backed out of the door frame and let the hutch close up.

Then, it was just her and Ansi, all alone.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2019 ⏰

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