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March 18

Principle: Good Morning students and staff. Teachers make sure to take attendance later on in the day. We have some students that some how managed to skip.

Naomi: BEE! BEE!

Bee: Yeah?

Naomi: Did you hear about Mr Spurgo?

Bee: That perve of a teacher? What about him?

Naomi: He got caught, taking some sophomore with him by the abandoned classrooms, during class period and ofc people ended up finding him

Bee: Jesus, he really is dumb isn't he

Naomi: how the fuck did he even get accepted to be a teacher

Tux: We all know what he did to get that job 👀

Scarlet: oooooo shade love that

Just as Scarlet finished her sentence Zane, Miles and Max showed up.

Miles: sup bubble butts and chicken nuggets

Bee: you can't use that, that's my thing.

Miles: welp I just stole it so it's mine it

Bee: no I steal back

Miles: i don't care still mines-

Max: shut up you two, we have a class to be at

Naomi: you don't even pay attention in class what are you talking about

Max: I don't know sir

Naomi: SIR?

Zane: oh my god y'all rlly gonna do this rn? It's only 7 o'clock

Scarlet: mhm

Zane: I-

Bee: I really can't with y'all, let's just all hurry to class and meet up at the usual spot?

Everyone else: mhm

Tux: ok let's go already i don't have time for this

Naomi: ok *walks extremely slower*

Bee: *drags Naomi off to class along with Scarlet and Max* See ya during lunch

As everyone left on their way, "very eagerly" to go to class a hiding student stepped out of the shadows/ corners as they watched them all leave by one.

Student: I'll find out all your secrets, and I will be the one in charge of this school, this town. I always get what I want.

Time Skip to Lunch~

As their classes finished the bell rang Signaling that lunch has started. But for a group of friends, that met and joined together as one was a time where they could be them and be free of restrictions. Just in their bubble.

Until a certain someone popped it.

Mindy: BEE

Bee: what do you want mindy

Mindy: I've heard around that you have become quite a little Ms. Popular-

Bee: you've heard wrong, now if you would kindly move-

Mindy: Listen here weirdo, I know that you've became a more widely known name in this town but don't try anything, I'm still running the show here.

Bee: funny I thought Naomi was or you know Scarlet ?

Mindy: Whatever, at least I'm still higher ranked then you'll ever be, nice chatting with you.

Bee: wtf? I can't have a peaceful day?


It's almost like 12 am here and oof, btw scarlet and tux and siblings, as you guys know from their bios but Tux is actually younger then Scarlet by a year, but moved up a grade and is now taking classes with her.

Also who tf Mindy???? Popped outta no where

507 words

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