Trouble In Paradise

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*at Ghastly Gorge*

Luna: *concerned* Uh, Celestia? Solaris? Since we're both a little tired, m-maybe the first thing we do shouldn't be too wild.

Artemis- *concerned* I agree with Luna completely!

Celestia/Solaris: *calmly to them* Exactly what we were thinking.

*the four go down a zip line*

Celestia/Solaris: *screams excitedly* ZIIIIP LIIIIIIIIIIIIINNNEEEE!

Luna/Artemis- *holding onto dear life in fear*

*Celestia and Solaris show them mugs with their scared faces*

Celestia/Solaris: *happily* Now, every time we have tea, we can remember this magical day! *shows them their mugs with their excited faces*

Luna: *calmly* Well, we're glad you two enjoyed yourself.

Artemis- *happily* But now, we're going to do something we've always wanted to do but never could because of our night shift.

Celestia/Solaris: *hugs them* *excitedly* Is it another zip line?

Luna/Artemis: *unamused* No.

*at the post office*

Luna/Artemis: *excitedly* It's the post office! *trotting excitedly*

Celestia/Solaris: *looks around* It is indeed.

Princess Luna: *to them excitedly* Just think! All the mail in Ponyville goes through here!

Artemis- *excited* Isn't that amazing?!

Celestia/Solaris- *frowns*

[the two place postcards to the counter]

Derpy/Dopey- *looks in shock*

Luna/Artemis: *to them* Two stamps, please!

Celestia/Solaris- *frowns and glances at each other and back at them*

[Derpy And Dopey find stamps and gives it to them]

Luna/Artemis: [licks and puts the stamps on and gives them back] *to Celestia and Solaris* Wait for it...

Celestia/Solaris- *pulls out a pocket watch in boredom*

[door opens and the mailpony gives Celestia and Solaris those postcards]

Celestia: *awkwardly* You two didn't need stamps if you two were just going to give this to us.

Solaris- *awkwardly nods*

Luna: *excited* Yes, but we didn't give it to you two.

Artemis- *excited* A mailpony took it from us, searched to find who it was meant for, and gave it to you two!

Both- *leans on them happily* It's about the process!

Celestia/Solaris- *unamused*

*in a cavern the siblings are bungee jumping*

Celestia/Solaris: [echoing excitedly] Did you know that nopony has ever explored the bottom of these caverns?


[rocks crunching and closing the caverns]

Luna/Artemis: [flatly] We wonder why.

*at the Ponyville Spa*

Luna: *getting her cheeks painted* I have always wanted to try this!

[her and Artemis have technopop looks while Celestia and Solaris have gothic looks while being unamused]

Artemis: *happily* Isn't this wonderful, you two?

[Princess Celestia] *flat toned*
There's a lotta little things you got to do in this world

*Celestia and Solaris dive into water along with Luna and Artemis atop a cloud ruining their new makeovers to Luna and Artemis' dismay*

[Princess Luna] *flat toned*
There's a lotta little things you ought to view

*Luna and Artemis look at the paintings in the Ponyville art gallery while Celestia and Solaris fall asleep*

[Solaris] *flat toned*
And our little lotta list may be a little bit long

*Celestia and Solaris happily scale up a mountain with Luna and Artemis being dragged*

[Artemis] *flatly*
[sighs] And might take a lotta bother to do

*Luna and Artemis have their hooves crosses frowning as their being dragged up the mountain*

*at Froggy Bottom Bog the four are walking while the pairs glare at each other*

[All 4] *flatly*
But I'm sure it gets better later on

And after darkest night, a new dawn

[Luna/Artemis] *glares*
It's our turn to do the choosing

[Celestia/Solaris] *calmly*
After river rapid cruising

[All 4] *pulling at the map with their magic and ripping it into quarters and falling in the bog* *glares*
This adventure isn't too fun to be on

*meanwhile in Chaosville Discord and Eris are watching the entire vacation while sipping coconut umbrella drinks and laughing hysterically*

Eris- *realizes* *to Discord* I have an idea! *whispers in his ear*

Discord- *smirks* Let's do it!

*the two teleport out of their dimension*

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