Chapter 11 - This Isn't Your Dream

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Chapter 11

:AS SOON AS WE STOP YOU ME LIVI AND KAYLIE IN MY BUS! The boys are gonna go sightseeing but I HAVE to tell you bout mine and Nayfay's date!: Aleksus taped send as she bounced out of her bunk. She walked into the bathroom changing clothes while singing Gold Forever by none other than The Wanted. Cause some days stay gold forever. The memory of being here with nath is what I'm gonna take my life through! Aleksus walked out bumping into max, letting out a small scream. "AHHH! Omg. Max. You scared the chiz outta me! What are you doing up anyways? Don't you normally get up later?" Aleksus said as she put her hair in a messy bun. "Lisa messaged me saying we're all stopping at a gas station soon and she and Livi are coming over." Max said as he tried to hide his goofy smile. "AH! You guys are going to have a date! Ok so you shower! Put on Nathan's cologne wear your white v-neck, black straight leg jeans and your silver shoes! I'll clean up the front of the bus and make you guys brunch and put romantic music on" Aleksus started planning as Max rolled his eyes. "Its not a big deal shes just coming onto our bus for a while. Change of scenery. You know how Lisa is... She hates being stuck in one environment for a long time." Max started to strip down. "Yea... Wait... Yea... I know how she is... How do you know that? You've guys haven't exactly known each other all that long..." Aleksus said noticing Max had started to blush. "OMG! THIS IS SERIOUS! AH MAX I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU!" "Aleksus we're stopping soon and they're going to be here can I just get ready. And will you calm down its really not that-" Max started then looked at the smirk on Aleksus' face. "Fine. I'll go get ready and change into my white v-neck while you get things ready for us." Max finished rolling his eyes and grabbing different clothes. "But I'm wearing the gray jeans. and the blue shoes" Max walked into the bathroom while Aleksus ran off into the kitchen and front area. She grabbed a piece of paper and a marker 'Max and Lisa's morning date sexy time JK in progress do not disturb the two love birds' Ah love is in the air Aleksus taped the note to the door connecting the kitchen and the bunks. She sent a quick text to Lisa :DONT EAT I'm making you and Max breakfast :) You can hear about my date with nayfay later GETCHU AND LIVS BUTTS OVER HERE ASAP: She replied with a quick :K!:


They all stopped at a gas station. Aleksus opened the bus door running out to hug Livi and Lisa. "AH! Ok Lisa you get in their. Max should be out soon I hope you like Nathans cologne cause I kindaaa sprayed Max's clothes in it!" Aleksus pushed Lisa in the bus with Livi following. She sat lisa down on the couch and fixed her shirt and beanie. She ran to her bunk and got her make up bag putting on some natural toned eye shadow and some light eye liner and mascara. She ran to the back of the bus quickly grabbing her favorite coco-cola flavored lip gloss. "Quickly max has his pants on, put on this lip gloss!" Aleksus threw Lisa the lip gloss, as she got odd looks from Livi and Lisa "I really didn't need to know about Max's pants..." Livi cringed. "Oh grow up. Nathan walks around shirtless and Siva pants-less sometimes!" She said motioning for Lisa to hurry up. She tossed back the tube of lip gloss and fixed her jeans. Aleksus opened the door as max stepped through. The whole mood of the room had changed. It was as if everyone had held their breath afraid to make the slightest noise. Max looked to Lisa, admiring how she was one of the few people who could pull of the cute casual look. She wore a black cami with a purple and blue plaid quarter sleeve shirt over it with black skinny jeans and black converse. Max caught her starting to blush as he, himself couldn't help but smile. Aleksus cleared her throat purposely, making it awkward. "Well Livi and I will leave you two alone... Enjoy the breakfast. And uh... Always use protection." Aleksus grabbed the whip cream from the fridge before she and Livi quickly ran to the back before Max or Lisa could comment. They closed the door and listened for a second before hearing them both laugh. All was right in the world.


"So then Nathan and I walked down to some local place near the park and the hostest person brought us to a special table in the gazebo on the lake! It was so gorgeous with like Christmas lights and the moon shining off the water and it was just the two of us and it reminded me of Christmas in handcuffs the movie so then I felt like it was Christmas and I got all excited and ugh omg it was just so fricken amazing! And Nathan the whole time was so sweet! And he made sure for our actual date part that there were no paparazzi but when we were walking back we kinda put on a show for them." Aleksus sat back in the corner of the couch day dreaming of Nathan. "So is it safe to say you like Nathan Sykes of The Wanted?!" Livi said filled with excitement. "I think its pretty safe to say I feel something for Nathan Sykes of The Wanted. He said he has a surprise for me tonight but I have no clue what he's planning since we have to leave the venue as soon as we finish." Livi tried not to smile as she knew what he was going to do. There was a moment of silence as Aleksus and Livi noticed Siva and Nathan stirring in their bunks. "Aleksus why did you grab the can of whip cream?" Livi asked backing away. "Oh I just thought that you might want to play a prank on one of the boys." She got a devilish smile on her face as she shook the can. "Count me out! I am not pranking those boys they will get us back and it will be a thousand times worse!" Livi explained throwing her hands up. "Oh. That's fine I just thought you might want to get back at Jay seeing all the trouble he caused you but if you don't I can by myself. I have no issue with that." Livi's eyes beamed with excitement "Well I guess we could get Jay back. I mean since you've already planned it and all. No point in letting a brilliant plan go to waste." Livi jumped up. Livi ran into the kitchen to get the other can, walking in on Max and Lisa sucking each otheres faces. Livi threw her hand over her eyes as she reached in the fridge for the can. "BE SAFE!" She yelled running out quickly closing the door. "We might be getting a Max or Lisa JR soon if they keep at it." Livi joked shaking the can. Aleksus did the classic whip cream in hand while Livi pulled back the sheets a bit revealing a shirtless Jay, she took her can and wrote PEN15. Aleksus rolled her eyes "So mature." they fooled around drawing shapes and stars and such on his stomach and chest before running out. Livi ran to her purse to get one of her feather earrings while Aleksus tweeted a picture. She herd Siva's phone go off waking Siva up. She waited for Livi a second before hearing a chuckle from Siva as he poked his head out of his bunk. Aleksus motioned for him to be silent as Livi came back with the feather. The rubbed it against his whole face starting at his nose. Jay of course rubbed his whipped creamed hand all over his face. The other 3 tried to stay silent as he kept doing it then resting both his hands on his stomach. Aleksus got closer to him to take a picture of the after math. Before she could even react jay wiped all the whip cream off his stomach in one swift motion onto Aleksus' face. Aleksus let out a rather loud scream causing Nathan to wake up, Lisa and Max run in, and Livi, Siva, and Jay to burst out laughing. "OH MY GOD JAY MCGUINESS I AM GOING TO KILL YOU!" Aleksus yelled wiping the cream off her face. "Oh so it was ok for you to do it to me but as soon as I return the favor its not ok." "EXACTLY!" Lisa handed her a towel before everyone went back to what they were doing, sleeping and sucking each others faces.

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