Chapter: 二

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It has been a week since the incident with mystery boy and our cliche incident to which I have frantically been trying to get out of my mind, unpleased to say that since then my wandering mind always seems to find someway of linking back to. It's a work in progress some may say, it's not like I haven't tried almost everything wiki how has instructed on '101 ways to forget about that one thing' I just have a unique train of thought. Speaking of which is now being trained on the cafeteria table where I sit by the window, everyone else making conversation while I twirl the "could be better" spaghetti on my fork not even trying to let it make it's way to my mouth. I'm clearly out of my mind these days or should I say, in.There isn't even much to think about.

I'm suddenly nudged from my left by Bridge who one could say will always find her there when seated at the lunch table, and she gives me wide eyes and her mouth opening and closing,the similarity of a fish quite similar at this moment. To this I rise my eyebrow at her clearly in confusion and she leans in closer, the reason for her shock on the tip of her tongue.

"Come on spit it out bridge" I tell her impatiently, in which she quickly responds by putting a finger to her lips and signalling to keep it down. I peer around our table seeing no one else even paying attention to her strange attitude and quickly roll my eyes earning a slap on my upper arm. Before I can even release the sound that was going to come out my mouth that would express the pain that shot through my arm, Bridge quickly covers my mouth with her hand giving me a pointed look to which I throwback a glare in her direction.

She then removes it after peaking at our surroundings and quickly whispers what would be the most unexpected thing in the world, and no she was not on her P plates, her niagara falls, Moon time or even her Aunt flow. Don't worry she gave me that first impression too, but no instead it was the fact that the words that came out from her mouth were telling me about Mystery boy who was apparently not so discreetly leaning against a tree that just so coincidentally was opposite the window we happened to be sitting at and throwing a few looks in our direction. At first I thought she was kidding around because not once has she brought up even the slightest thing about him, but it was the fact that I saw his slowly retreating figure pushing off of the tree and making his way back inside the school building.

Suddenly I felt the once spaghetti filled plate make it's way onto my once clean shirt, making more moves than I ever will in coming in contact with the opposite sex who I might take interest in. It turns out I was so shocked to see Mystery boy that I failed to notice my plate was in fact closer to the edge of the table than I had thought and my elbow had given the extra motivation to without consent make moves on my shirt.

Colourful vocabulary you could call it then made it's escape from deep within my throat and took it's first breath in a while into the open air that was the school's cafeteria filled with students who I sparked interest in through helping them decide that I suddenly had the best vocabulary of existence in current time. Mystery boy is now far from being on my mind as my new mission was to make my way to the bathroom in order to at least try to get a better looking appearance from this experience. Well atleast I can tick off "getting in a food fight" off of my bucket list as it seems I was the only one eager to participate in that thrilling moment of fun. In order to actually make my way I quickly hold onto all my important belongings and shove them into my backpack. Then proceeding to shake off the spaghetti as I rushed towards the direction of the bathroom while picking off bits and pieces of the not so hidden vegetables our school was trying to feed us in order to become a healthy student body. In reality they just wanted a five star health rating and bragging rights in order to earn extra money by parents shipping their children into this one heck of a hell hole, and it isn't even the best kind, not that there would be any in that category.

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