Over The Edge

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{ Snippet Of An Upcoming Chapter }

 I'm sick these people. I'm sick of being hurt. I'm sick of...life.

" Head to the main office Miss Flick!", I heard my english teacher Mrs. Lione yell.

"But I-it wasn't - Lux she-", I stammered unable to catch my breath.

" She will suffer consequences too but for now you need to go!", she pointed to the door. I could hear Luxery and her clique just giggling away. Why is it that teachers always blame the innocent people and just let the guilty people go. I angrily grabbed my things and left the class. I was running down the halls away from the main office bawling like a baby. Mr. Bennett asked me what was wrong, but I ran past him. I didn't know where I was going. 

I was running and running until I saw a door. I stopped crying and looked around. No one was there. I could run. And never have to face the dread of going home ever again. My dead mom. My hurtful dad. These cliques. There all just too much for me. I ran out and as soon as the door closed and locked, I felt stupid. An idiot. A dimwit. I've heard people say those words to me more than they did my own name. My real name. I looked up and saw the building where I last saw my mom. It's called Holiday Empires. I thought I heard someone coming from the bushes, so I ran all the way down the street to Holiday Empires. While running I almost pushed this cute couple into the street...but thankfully I didn't.

I pushed through the doors and ran up the stairs. I heard the secretary follow me but didn't care. She couldn't run up 17 flights of stairs in 5 inch heels. I got tired at about the 9th flight and started speed walking up to the 14th flight, then I ran the rest of the way.  And then, I was there. The top. I opened the old, gray, squeaky door and walked to the railing. I looked over it. I saw cars, people, pets...everything. They all looked so happy. 

" Why can't I be like that?", I sobbed. Then I remembered the secretary following me. I had two choices:

Go back home to my abusive home and terrible school.

Or jump over and end it all.

 All the pain and guilt. All the hurt and sorrow. And finally be with my mom. Tears streaked down my cheeks as I tried to fight them back. It wouldn't work. I closed my eyes and thought of my mom. Her curly, soft brunette hair. Her butterscotch skin. It all seemed so real. And so near in my grasp. I can do it. I can this. Don't think about the bad. Just think about mom. Just think about mom. I climbed over the railing and sat on the edge. I started to shiver. I let my hands go of the railing...and slowly inched forward...

If you had one chance to seize an opportunity, would you reach out and grab it? The thing you want in life, might be a new digital camera. Or an A on that exam. Or maybe even the new guy you're to afraid to talk to. But what Angelica Flick wants...is her mom. She can't stand being hurt and grieving anymore. So she runs to the top of Holiday Empires and sits on the railing. We all have something that can push us over the edge... what's your's?

 Author's Note: After seeing how well my other story is going I decided to make a new one. Please keep in mind that this story is a COMPLETE work of fiction. I don't want anyone EVER trying to do the things that will be mentioned in this story. I wrote it because it's what teens and tweens think about and who am I to say that it is wrong. In my opinion, as long as you don't act upon it..it's okay. It's what happens in some people's lives and I thought "Hmm...what the heck!". Anyway Please enjoy it and remember to try not to hurt anyone. You never know what could push them over the edge.


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