Part 1

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"Viral? That doesn't sound very original. What do they want with my master?"

The man Genos was holding up by the shirt- over the edge of a roof- gulped and nodded frantically. "It's not! But that is his name I swear! I already told you where they are, please just let me go!" Genos sighed in annoyance and swung the man back onto the roof. The cyborg jumped down to the ground and found Saitama trying to brush bits of whatever he had just fought from his clothes. "I hate worms. They're just so... squishy. So who sent minions to rob the lab?"

Genos explained, "The man I captured works for someone named Viral. This villain wants to create an airborne disease that will wipe out all of humanity." Saitama nodded. "I assume you have an address, we can go check it out."

The pair reached Viral's fortress in minutes. Genos was about to incinerate the structure when he paused, remembering his similar experience with Genus's lab. He lowered his palms and Saitama grinned. "Let's see what kind of monsters this guy has! Then we'll find Viral and take him out." Genos nodded in agreement, then kicked in the doors.

The first few levels were disappointingly empty, and Saitama was starting to get bored. Maybe he should have let Genos destroy the building after all. "This isn't worth our time, I'm starting to think this Viral guy isn't even here. We could go get soba-

"So I'm less interesting than food, eh?"

A woman stood in the doorway at the end of the hall, looking amused and just a little annoyed. Saitama and Genos stared at her for a second, watching her smile grow wider and wider. "You look like a rather pathetic specimen, baldy, but I suppose you'll do."

"Hey! I'm not-

Tubes burst out of the walls, and gas started flooding the room. Metal sheets slammed down at both ends of the hallway, locking the two heroes in as the gas started to build up around them. Genos, unaffected, assuming that Saitama would also be fine, waited for his sensei to pursue Viral.

Instead, Saitama began to cough. He doubled over, grabbing at his chest. "Huh- I can't- breath-"

Genos tried to steady his master as his legs folded under him and his head sagged forward. "Sensei! What is happening to you?" Saitama didn't respond, and after making sure he was still breathing, Genos slung him over his shoulder. He needed to get out of this gas, now.

The cyborg blasted through one of the walls, charging through room after room until he was a comfortable distance away from the gas source. His sensors indicated that the gas has contained some sort of pathogen, and he needed to know what it was doing to Saitama's body. As fascinating as it was that it was affecting such a strong man as his master, that meant that it was probably deadly to anyone else.

Genos slung Saitama off of his back and onto the ground, scanning him anxiously. His breathing was steady, but his temperature has risen to fever level. Genos smiled as his bald friend's eyes opened, but the smile faded when he saw the confused and spacey look in them. It wasn't Saitama's usual emotional blankness; it was as though he wasn't seeing anything around him.

"Master Saitama! Are you alright?" To Genos's surprise, Saitama giggled. "Hey, wassupppp Genos?" The young cyborg blinked. His sensei must be delirious.

"I wanna go watch tv. Where'd the tv go?"

"Sensei, we are not at home-

"I'm going to go find the tv."

Saitama sat up and stared at Genos blearily, brow furrowed. Then he got to his feet, and, swaying slightly, made his way to the closest door. "I hate those stupid purple ducks."

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