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There lay his amaira , her bones sunken , dark circles under her eyes , she was sleeping peacefully

" She has blood cancer " Trisha says quitely and Rishabh looks at her in shock

" She didn't want to see you suffer so she left , she still give birth to your babies , she didn't want to kill them , even when the doctor said that it would risk her life she just said " A mother always protects her child " ; she wanted you beside her every day , every night , every minute but she didn't have the strength to face you after her diagnosis " Trisha continues , tears stringing her eyes

Rishabh brokes down , he hated Amaira so much thinking she left him but she did that for him

The team also had tears in their eyes ..

Rishabh silently entered the room and sat beside her where she layed silently , he just ran his fingers through her hairs

Sensing someone amaira woke up
She saw Rishabh

4 yrs since she last saw him

Why is he here
She sees Trisha and understood the situation

Trisha geastures ICT to follow her leaving them alone

The tension was high in the air

" Why " Rishabh asks with such a broken look that she just wants to hide

" Why didn't you tell me that you are " he couldn't complete the sentence , he couldn't even think of loosing her after having her again

She remained silent , tears flowing silently

" Why " this time rishabh roars making her flinch

He takes a deep breath and calms himself down

" Then kya karti , I couldn't let you suffer , my survival chances are very less , har roz dekti tumhe suffer karte hue mujhe marta dekh and Rishabh kids kee humne planning bhi nahi kee thi ,your career was at thriving age , I couldn't do it , I just can't " Saying this she just collapsed in his arms and started crying

While Rishabh just held her close to his heart and kissed her hair

She was finally there in his arms

While both of the soulmates were immersed in themselves

Trisha told ICT the truth , they all had tears in their eyes


Timeskip brought to you by " The freakin Guardians of the Galaxy "


That day when Amaira slept Rishabh decided to take Amaira and the kids back so that he can be with them

The next day only they were on their way to Delhi

The girls were also excited to live with their papa .......

Once he reached there the house was decorated with Welcome home banners

The ICT apologized to her and she forgives , it wasn't her fault ...

Rishabh took a three month off so he can give his entire time to family , he even hired a doctor
So that amaira's treatment could be done at home

The ICT also used to be there at evening and alia and alina used to enjoy the most playing with their zozo bhai and all her elder sisters gracia , samaira and ziva ....

Those 3 months were like dream come true to amaira , She finally got what she wanted .....

It was rishabh's first day after the break
After feeding Amaira her medicine and giving both of his girls warnings about do's and don't and not disturbing their mumma , he was off for practice

After the practice ended , he opened his phone and saw three miss calls from home

When he picked up alina picked the phone crying

" Papa , mumma is not waking up , come fast papa , please " Alina says

Rishabh just runs to his car and started to drive fast to reach home as quick as he could

Seeing the scene he just wants to faint
Doctors were operating Amaira while Alina and alia were crying clinging to each other ....

The world was blur in next few hours

Maybe One Day // RISHABH PANT ( COMPLETED )Where stories live. Discover now