The One Where They Face Each Other

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July 23rd

Kaycee and Tahani's apartment

"No Sean or Josh?" Tahani said as there was only four of them at the table for breakfast

"No Sean said he and Josh had to do something this morning they should be back by dinner," Kaycee said as she set the table

"I wonder what it could be?" Bailey said

"So, did Kaycee cook? Do I have to get a garbage bag?" Julian said

"I've gotten much better thank you," Kaycee said

"Then why has Tahani been cooking all the time lately?" Julian said

"Because she has been too tired with Sean always sleeping over," Tahani said


"True" Tahani finished for her

"Well... I've gotten better" Kaycee said placing the last of the food on the plates

Audition place

"Still a little annoyed Charlize made a typo and said July the week after the 4th instead of the actual date in several weeks after," Sean said

"I already talked to Char and she's sorry," Josh said

"So how are you two?" Sean asked

"Dude" Josh said not wanting to talk about it

"So, what was this audition for anyways?" Sean changed the subject as they were helping each other stretch

"Apparently, this artist wants a group of dancers to basically make a visual album with their songs meaning at least 13 videos and..." Josh said

"13 paychecks," Sean said understanding as he glances around "There are only like 30 people here meaning we got a good chance bro"

"Yeah Char explained that on the information sheet thing, it said artists meaning a lot of agencies ignored it thinking it meant drawers and graphic artists, not dancers or even music artists but key people like Char knew it meant dancers" Josh said "So 10 dancers out of 30 definitely the best odds I've ever had in an audition"

"Let's kill it bro," Sean said

Kaycee and Tahani's apartment

"Okay I know when to admit I'm wrong and Kaycee I was wrong the food was delicious," Julian said

"Thank you," Kaycee said

"Yeah big improvement Ms. Roice" Bailey said

"Thanks, Bai," Kaycee said

"Good to know I never have to cook again," Tahani said

"No, I'm not cooking every day but I'll take the compliment," Kaycee said pleased that her friends liked her cooking after years of disliking it

"Alright I'll be back," Julian said standing up about to leave

"And where are you off to?" Tahani asked

"Chloe texted me asking if we could meet up for lunch and since she lives quite a bit away I need to get dressed now so I can make it in time," Julian said

"Well, have fun and say hi for me," Kaycee said

"Will do!" Julian said leaving the apartment

Audition place

"Alright thank you numbers 29, 11, 17, 2, and 20 you may leave," one of the panel members said

"Damn they're knocking out people who aren't getting the choreography fast enough to" Sean commented as he wears number 13

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