A new life

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A new school, a new house, new friends, a new start wouldn't we all think that it would be easier to just start over well not always for her it got harder.

She tried her hardest to fit in to be noticed to be "popular" but everyone just rejected

She'd come home after a terrible day at school to her family who never really payed any attention to her who would judge her for everything for the music she listened to the clothes she wore the way she wore her makeup.

She felt all alone till one day she met her best friend they became inseparable never left each other's side was always there for one another.

One day one of her friends had done something terrible to her, they showed pictures of her naked all around the school people made fun of her and that's when they grew apart.

She met this boy he was amazing and then he got bored as always and he broke her heart later on she wanted to become friends with him again so she texted him and he called her names really hurtful rude names that scared her for a really long time.

Life went on and she became even more depressed she was always stressed out and couldn't get a break from anyone.

She then began to get into drugs, and alcohol she started smoking she got really bad anxiety and it wouldn't go away.

One night her dad had come into her room and was really angry for some reason and he hit her.

She was terrified of her father at this point and didn't want anything to do with him her mother wouldn't do anything about.

Her depression keeps getting worse and worse by the second and she can't handle anymore of this its to much for her.

She found a blade in a medical kit took it to her room and began to cut her wrist, her first time doing this it hurt but for her she was focusing on the physical pain much rather than the emotional pain which it helped a little and at that moment she had forgotten about all of the bad things in her life.

Sadly when she was done they came back she had gone to school the next day with a jacket on the whole day she never took it off her friends knew something was up and so she told them both of them freaked out on her.

She tried her hardest to hide it from her family and her friends as much as possible but for her to wear a jacket in 90 degree weather was strange her mother began to also know that something was wrong.

She kept denying it when her mother asked her questions and she refused to take her jacket off one night her mother had come into her room she was still awake and her mother wouldn't leave until she took her jacket off she couldn't hide them anymore so she did, she took her jacket off her mother sat there in silence for a few moments didn't say a word.

She then spoke and asked why she had done it she explained to her mother and then her mother had left the room and she cried her self to sleep that night.

She had stared crying herself to sleep pretty much every night she went to school the next morning and a kid had stared bulling her calling her fat, ugly, stupid etc. she became anorexic cause people started calling her fat.

She was bullied pretty much the entire time she had moved here and it hurt her, her cuts had finally healed after a month maybe she started getting really into smoking pot that the person who gave it to her had stopped so she found a new person to give it to her.

This boy a grade above her had started texting her and they were really good friends until he asked her to send him nudes she had said no so many times you can't even imagine he kept pressuring her into doing it and so she did just to get him to stop.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2015 ⏰

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