Episode 3

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These 3 have been friends since childhood

They are like practically brothers for life

Allen POV

"Let me check her profile in social media, Oh she looks hot, let me try if she can go on date with me" Joey said. 

i looked at joey phone indeed she looks different the girl in front of me is shy timid and scared but the gal in the phone is wild and adventures ,which is the true you Rochelle

Rachael pov.

I went to my locker to take the books for my next class and i heard someone said hi to me when i turned i saw joey and Allen.

Joey invited me to have lunch with him but before i could answer ,Stacy came and held my hand and said lets go and pulled me away from joey

I thanked Stacy for saving me at correct time.we entered the cafeteria together collected are food as i was walking i tripped on something and i dropped all the contents of the food on someone ,when i was about the apologize she started screaming and held my hand tightly i started to panic the old memories which i wanted to forget started to flash before my eyes i was not able to breathe, Stacy came immediately and shouted "Ashley leave her hand she is having a panic attack"

The next time i opened my eyes i was there in the dormitory, i saw a silhouette near the window at the dark room , i started to scream the silhouette moved near me and it said Rochelle it is me Allen.

He took me in his arms and i felt more secure than i have ever felt in my life.I asked him what time is it and where is Stacy he said that Stacy had to leave and that she had a family emergency she asked me to take care of you and drop u home once u get up.

All i could say was thank you, he guided me to his car and opened the door for me , i told him the direction to my house , my phone started ringing and i saw that it was my sister, i attend the call and i heard the worried voice of my sister asking where i am and Stacy had called to explain everything happened to me at school.

I told her that i am on the way to home and that i will explain everything to you , once i return home

Allen looked at me asked questioningly and i told him it is my sister she just called to check on me .he just nodded his head and dropped me at my home and asked me if i am alright i just smiled at him and got out of the car and walked towards my house.

My SaviorМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя