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Jingyi has to say this was one hell of an unexpected situation. When he woke up this morning he had not expected to be gifted a jar of sweet smelling alcohol called emperors smile from master Wei. He had no idea what to do with it, so of course, he called his two best friends, Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling. They agreed to share their "first" ( not really) drink with Lan Jingyi on his birthday. Of course, Sizhui was hard to convince but Jin Ling and Lan Jingyi have eventually convinced him to try at least one sip.

And that is how he ended up in this situation. Completely sober while his two best friends are wasted. Even with the situation, Jingyi had to admit his two best friends look really good right now. Both had a pink blush covering their cheeks and hazy eyes that made them look even better. What the hell am I thinking? His thoughts were interrupted when Jin Ling started to speak,

"Hey stop looking so sparkly."

"What the f-." but before he could get the vulgar word out he was pulled on to the other's lips. Jin Ling pulled away then collapse into Jingyis chest.

Still, in shock he heard his name being called to his right only to turn around and meet another pair of lips on his. The sloppy kiss was a little gentler but still a rough. Then again the other pulled back to collapse on Jingyi's back.

With two boys laying on him, Jingyi blushed so hard he turned into a tomato.

"It was a drunken kiss... yeah... that's right! ... d-drunken." He said to no one in particular, Trying to reassure himself. But the problem is what does he do now. While he was trying to figure it out Sizhui who was leaning on Jingyis back stirred and managed to sit up.

Sizhuis gaze was no longer misty but his cheeks were still tinted with red. He turned his eyes to Jingyi only to be in shock at the situation. "What happened"

Jingyi stares thankful for the fact that Sizhui didn't remember "N-nothing at all. You guys both just uh.. managed to pass out from drinking too much."

"Are you sober" the other questioned

"Yes?" He tilted his head a little "but Jin Ling is knocked out cold, do you mind helping me pick him up and move him to a guest room"

"Of course" he walked over to Jin Ling to grab his waist with one arm and put the other under his knees. He knew the young mistress would freak if he found oit he was being carried princess style. Jingyi managed to let out a snicker at the situation only to remember what happened earlier.

"Well I'm a little tired too so I'll be heading to my room as well" Jingyi said

Sizhui looked back at him "Are you sure we didn't do anything else?"

"Nope nothing at all." I hopped on my feet stumbling a little, deciding to just leave the mess of food and cups on the table I wished Sizhui a good night and rushed to my room.

"Good night Jingyi." He heard Sizhui whisper in the chaos of his haste.

That night Jingyi didn't sleep well as thoughts and insecurities were racing through his mind. I enjoyed the kiss. he thought to himself. both of them. The anxiety of that was the only thing he could think about for the rest of the night.

And the next day wasn't any better. Jingyi with his panda eyes, decided to avoid both of them. During last night he has come to accept the fact that he enjoyed both kisses but that doesn't mean he understands the thoughts or acceptance. All he knew was that he didn't feel like seeing Lan Sizhui or Jin Ling for the rest of the day but of course life doesn't always go the way you want it to, because they all had the same classes first thing in the morning.

Jingyi walked in without even sparing a glance at the other two and sat all the way across the room. He heard The mistress gasp rather loudly in which earned him a few shushes. He didn't say anything after that. He figured Sizhui must have said something to him.

When class was over he rushed straight out of the class to avoid any more confrontation. He heard Jin Ling calling out to him but he doesn't stop, he decided to go to the woods, he always finds a solution in the woods. When he reached a comfortable tree to sit under, the cool shade protecting him from the summer heat, he finally starts to relax. Well, that is until he hears two very appealing voices calling out his name. Jingyi sighs knowing he had to deal with it sooner or later he just hoped it would have been later.

"Jingyi, are you ok" The gentler one ask.

"Why the hell did you ignore us you asshole" Jin Ling ask looking severally annoyed.

"Well young mistress nice to see you too and I'm fine, just tired." Jingyi said

"Your not fine Jingyi I've known you for years now and you've never avoided me like that." Sizhui said

"What if I'm not fine what are you gonna do about" Jingyi throws his hands up at where sizhui and Jin Ling are standing "I'm not fine ok I'm freaking out and can't even tell the two people I trust the most do you know my stress, I'm scared."

"Wh-why wouldn't you be able to tell us." Jin Ling says

"Because it's embarrassing and personal and may involve you." Jingyis voice gets smaller the more he talks. Jin Ling didn't know what to say while on the other hand Sizhui looks like he just had an epiphany.

"What did we do last night." sizhui asks looking dead in the eyes of Jingyi while Jin Ling gasps.

"Oh no, It wasn't a dream." Jin Ling comes to a realization "I kissed you"

Sizhui gasps while Jingyi adds on "not just you"

"Oh" Suzhui says "I kissed you too"

Jingyi nods face turning red "did.. did you enjoy it" Jin Ling asks also starting to have pink dust spread over his cheeks. Sizhui also looks at Jingyi for an answer.

"That the problem" Jingyi wines burying his head in his hands feeling he can't turn any redder "I.. I liked both of the kisses" Jingyi just proved himself wrong as he feels the steam coming out of his ears.

"It's ok" he hears Sizhui whisper to him In a calming way but in reality it just makes him blush harder. "We actually have been talking about this me and Jin Ling. He said he had a dream about you two kissing and liked it." Jingyi can hear Jin Ling squeak and stutter in the background "and I have had a crush on you for about a year now" he notices how Sizhui hides his face as a blush starts to creep on his face. "We also talked about how we had small crushes on each other, maybe.. maybe we should try a poly relationship"

Jingyi looks up from his hands to find Sizhui smiling and Jin Ling nodding in agreement. "A poly relationship?" Jingyi tilts his head to the side "is that a real thing"

"Of course it is dumbass, there are even people in a poly relationship right now it's just rare." Jin Ling says

"Oh so I'm not weird or creepy because I liked both of your kisses." Jingyi smiles looking up

"Not at all" sizhui smiles softly

"So is it weird or creepy that I want more kisses" Jingyi doesn't realize what he said until it was too late. "I- I mean-" Jingyi was cut off by a pair of lips smashing on his. He opens his eyes, which he didn't even realize he closed, to look at Jin Ling crouching down to kiss him when he pulled back. He could feel his chin being turned and lifted up toward sizhui. He moves his face closer to Jingyi and presses their lips together. Jingyi unconsciouslyy moans into the kiss. And when Sizhui pull back they're all blushing for many different reasons.

"That was hot" Jin Ling whispers

"Yes it was" lan Suzhui agrees looking down to a panting blushing Jingyi still leaning up against the tree.

After they all calmed down they decided to leave. And head over to Jingyis room. Lan Jingyi had no idea what Lan Sizhui and Jin Ling we're planing. Now it may not seem like it but Sizhui has read many of the books his dad (Wei wuxian Of course) provided him. Those books had quite a few threesum chapters in them.

And let's just say that later that night Sizhui leaned over a sleeping Jingyi to Jin Ling and asked him to remind him in the mourning to thank Wei Wuxian.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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