Ninety Miles an Hour Down a Deadend Street

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I saw them from across the crowded room. It looked like Makoto was trying to reason with Haru who was being egged on by Nagisa. They weren't supposed to be at the party, it was an end of year party at and for Samezuka, yet there they were. I couldn't help smiling and shaking my head. I turned to Sousuke, who was standing next to me, and said, "I'm gonna go say hi to the party crashers."

"Okay, I'm gonna go get something to drink," Sousuke said.

I smiled at him and brushed my hand across his arm before heading over to Makoto and the others. Makoto noticed me first, smiling pleadingly, he asked, "Rin, can you help me with Haru, he's insisting on moving the party to the pool."

"The pool is the only reason I came," Haru protested.

I could only laugh. I looked at Haru, "Let me guess, you're already wearing your swimsuit and everything."

Haru just narrowed his eyes and twisted his head to the side. Nagisa came up, dragging Rei by the hand, and grabbed Haru's hand. He started dragging them in the direction of the pool, yelling, "Everyone, lets go to the pool!"

Surprisingly, there was a cheer from the crowd and people started leaving the room. I just shook my head before turning back to Makoto, "What're you doing here?"

"Well, Nagisa wanted to crash the party..." a guilty smile spread across Makoto's face, "And well he dragged Rei along and he convinced Haru to come because of the pool. I couldn't leave Haru alone with them, he'd get into some kind of trouble."

"Great boyfriend you got there," I snickered.

"Oh yeah," Makoto looked like he suddenly remembered something, "Where's Sousuke?"

I laughed and leaned against the table we were standing next to. "Yeah, my boyfriend is getting something to drink."

As if on cue, Sousuke walked over to us holding two cups. "Yo Tachibana," he said to Makoto before handing me one of the drinks. He stood next to me and draped his free arm over my shoulder.

The three of us stood there awkwardly for a moment before Momotaru came bouncing over. He was babbling something, "Rin-senpai! Yamazaki-senpai! You gotta come over to the pool!"

Momo didn't wait for a response, he just started trotting off towards the pool, chanting, "Stag beetles, stag beetles."

Sousuke straightened up, "Wanna go over there?"

"I'll meet you over there later," I said without thinking about it. I had no intention of going back to the pool that night. Sousuke shrugged and joined the last few strands of people heading for the pool. Laughing, I looked back at Makoto, "Seems like your boyfriend is causing quite a stir."

Makoto sighed, "I always lose to a pool."

"With Haru, anyone would lose to a pool," I laughed while I spoke even though I was being serious. I was about to take a drink of the punch that Sousuke had brought when I thought to ask, "Oi Makoto, did you want some."

Makoto looked nervously at my outstretched hand. I tried to help, saying, "It's just punch. Nothing funny in it."

Makoto smiled and gently took the cup from my hand. He barely took a sip before giving it back to me. His hand was shaking when I took the cup out of his hand. I look at him seriously, "Are you okay?"

"Fine," Makoto closed his eyes and smiled.

I always thought that smile was so angelic. Looking at him, I found my own hand shaking. I tried to hide it by taking a drink. I was about to take a drink when Makoto's hand covered the top of the cup, holding it inches away from my lips. I was taken by surprise and let him take the cup out of my hand and put it on the table. Makoto rested a hand on my cheek and slowly leaned down. He stopped an inch away from my face, hesitating. Finally I couldn't take it anymore and grabbed the back of his head and pulled him the last inch to touch his lips to mine.

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