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A gentle knocking at my door caused me to stir. When the knocking persisted, I decided to actually get up and get it. I rolled out of my bed, barely opening my eyes before standing up. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes as I walked to the door. I opened the door enough to stick my head out and see my mom standing there looking at me. She took a deep breath and held up a pile of clothes, "Are these yours?"

I looked closer at them, they definitely weren't mine. I was confused, so I looked back in my room for a moment and saw someone curled up on my bed, next to the wall. My eyes widened, I tried to cover for it and answer my mom's question, "Yeah..."

My mom let her hand drop. She leaned her head forward, sighing audibly. Lifting her head to look at me, she held up another pile of clothes and asked the same question, "Are these yours?"

I looked at them and saw my hoodie and the T-shirt I'd been wearing last night, "Yeah."

My mom dropped her hand, looking slightly annoyed. She spoke exasperatedly, "Look, I don't mind you having your boyfriend over but please pick up after yourself. As soon as we came in, Ren and Ran saw the clothes strewn all over and immediately began asking questions. If this happens again, you're going to have to answer their questions."

I opened the door a little more and took the clothes from my mom. I smiled at her, she was always so understanding. I said, "I'm sorry. I won't let it happen again."

My mom looked at me for a moment before walking away, slowly shaking her head. I watched her for a moment before ducking back into my room. I leaned against my door, clutching all the clothes to my chest. I looked at Rin, quietly sleeping in my bed. His back was partially exposed from where I had thrown off the covers. I dropped the clothes and went back to the bed to sit next to him. I smiled as I stroked his red hair, although it was more of a magenta... he'd yell at me if I ever told him that. But I always liked it, it suited him so well. Even though he could be tough on the outside, I knew how much of a romantic he was. I had to wonder how last night fit in with everything.

Sitting here with Rin, stroking his hair as he slept, I knew I was betraying Haru. But in that moment, I didn't care. I didn't think about Haru and how this would've made him feel. No, I just thought of how peaceful Rin looked when he was asleep, like nothing bad could ever touch him. I pushed Rin's hair behind his ear and leaned down to gently kiss his forehead. I knew how fragile Rin could be, even though he never let anyone see, not even Sousuke. Right then, all I really wanted was to be there with Rin, to protect him, to make him happy.

It was still late and I was still tired, so I laid next to Rin, my body pressing right up against his. My hand traced the line of his back and came to rest on his shoulder. I moved my hand forward to hold Rin's hand and fell back asleep with him in my arms.

The next time I woke up was when morning light was streaming into my window. I had woken up before Rin, so I began to stroke his hair again. My hand gently caressed his sleeping face and glided down to the necklace he was wearing. I held the pendant up in my palm, it was a shark tooth. How perfect. I smiled and kissed Rin's forehead as he began to stir.

Rin didn't open his eyes, but he snuggled closer to me and smiled, "Morning."

"Morning," I leaned my head over to gently kiss Rin's lips.

We stayed like that for a moment before Rin blinked open his eyes. He quietly said, "Makoto... This is weird isn't it..."

"It doesn't have to be," I made no effort to move, I didn't want that moment to end, but it already had.

Rin sat up and got up from the end of my bed. He sat there a moment before glancing over his shoulder, "We're both with someone else."

"Rin..." there was nothing I could say to defend what we had done.

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