Chapter 1: Shanelle's POV

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<Shanelle's POV>

        I woke up realising that my younger brother had again crept into my bead. His pointy platinum blonde hair was rubbing against my tummy while his long hands were wrapped around my waist. I sighed, then kicked him gently on his shoulder. Shane woke up slowly, yawning for about five seconds then snuggled himself back to sleep. I smirked, "How many times do I have to tell you NOT to sleep in my bed!" Shane opened his eyes slightly and tucked his fingers into his ears. "Not only that, you always, always cling on to me, taking up the space on my bed and end up snatching my blanket. Geez, you're not a three year old, you're already 15." Shane, who was born 5 minutes after me was my younger twin brother. We were always together, no matter where or how old we were. We even bathed together until we entered middle school! Shane was the quiet and cool type, while I was the level-headed one.  

        "Had a fight again?" my mum chimed in, "It's a good thing your sister doesn't kick hard right, Shane?" Shane had a displeased look. He was rubbing his shoulder slightly, hoping it wouldn't form a blue black. It's not that I can't kick hard, it's because I don't want to. When we were young, Shane was always bullied and I was the one who protected him. I couldn't bare to hurt my brother. He was such a precious brother to me, the most precious one in the whole universe.

        The chime rang as Shane and I strided towards the classroom. It was a warning bell. Luckily we made it in time to school or we weren't allowed into the campus grounds. I slided the door open and sighed, "Safe." Our homeroom teacher, Mr.Matthew jerked an eyebrow, "What do you mean by safe, Ms.Carter? Same goes for you, Mr.Carter. Both of you made it 5 minutes after the warning bell, when you were supposed to be in class 5 minutes before the warning bell. I hope this doesn't happen again next time so please head to your seats." The whole class was trying to contain their laughter. Shane and I were fairly popular. Because of our charisma, because of our brains, because of our looks. We looked exactly alike but I was counted as cute for a girl and Shane was called hot. Trust me, there was no one in campus who didn't know us. The only difference in us was that I was a girl, the other a boy.

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