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"listen, hyunjin, you're always complaining about your ass being single." jeongin smirked, fingers flying across his best friend's laptop keyboard, typing in information into tiny boxes on the screen. hyunjin sighed and flopped on his bed.

"okay? doesn't mean i wanna go on blind dates with random men." hyunjin mumbled, tracing the tattoos on his arms with his eyes.

jeongin finished typing in the last bit of information before clicking the 'create account' button at the bottom of the screen, and spun in the computer chair to face hyunjin.

"if you're tired of being single, just trust me. besides, what if you meet someone you actually like?" jeongin smiled a now innocent smile, showing off rows of pearly white teeth that came with just having got his braces off a few weeks ago. hyunjin rolled his eyes at the younger boy, suppressing a grin. his best friend was always trying to find new ways to get hyunjin a boyfriend, since all he ever did was complain about being single, while jeongin had a girlfriend.

"and what if i end up getting stuck with a 70 year old man, who's only goal is to kidnap an unsuspecting 19 year old gay boy?" hyunjin counters his friend. it was jeongin's turn to roll his eyes, chuckling at hyunjin's little theory.

"first of all, this website puts you on a date with someone around your age. it also requires legal identification, so don't worry about some old guy tryna kidnap you, jin." jeongin turned himself back toward the screen, beginning to set up a date for hyunjin.

"i guess i have no choice but to do this, then?" hyunjin sighed, looking over his friends shoulder.

"yep! and there you go! you've already got a date for tomorrow. you just decide on a location with your partner, and you show up there tomorrow at whatever time you guys decide on!" jeongin exclaimed excitedly, turning his head up to look hyunjin in the eyes.

"god, move so i can decide, then." jeongin giggled as hyunjin shoves him lightly, trying to reach the computer. as jeongin toppled out of the chair, excitement for his friend, hyunjin began to type on the computer, hoping for the best.

"god, innie, what if he doesn't like my tattoos? what if he judges me for smoking or something? god, this was such a bad idea." hyunjin muttered, pacing in front of the small coffee shop jeongin had helped him and his partner select the previous night.

"would you stop worrying? it'll be fine. and besides, if you guys don't like each other, you don't have to stay in contact with each other. this is essentially a one time thing, unless you two hit it off and decide to go on more dates." jeongin assured the older boy, placing a hand on his shoulder. "roll your sleeves up. it's hot out here, and you're wearing all black, and a fucking sweater. you're gonna overheat before he even gets here."

hyunjin rolled his eyes at jeongin, pulling his sleeves up to his elbows, the tattoos on his forearm that he'd been trying to hide now showing.

"now, go sit down and wait for him. i can't be here helping you the entire time, jinnie. just be yourself, you've got this!" the younger yelled the words of encouragement, before patting hyunjin's back, and dashing into a shop next door.

"fuck. guess i've gotta do this." hyunjin mumbled, before trudging inside of the coffee shop. he sat down at a table towards the front of the shop, in front of the windows.

sighing, he pulled out his phone, unlocking it swiftly before putting in the airpods he worked a solid two months straight to buy. he scrolled through his music, before selecting a song by one of his favorite artists— JJ Project— and sat back in the chair, staring out the window, waiting for his date to arrive.

as jinyoung and jaebum approached the coffee shop that would soon be the place that jinyoung's first blind date would take place, jinyoung nervously rubbed his hands over the mask hiding his mouth and nose. jaebum had been the one to push jinyoung to try out a blind date, because all he ever focused on was his music. jaebum understood, music was both of their lives. they literally lived off of the music they made. but jaebum also wanted his friend to get out and live a little, so he set up this blind date online, and push jinyoung out of the house to go to it.

"oh my god, what if someone recognizes me? this could be so bad." jinyoung muttered, looking at the shop, which was buzzing with people.

"shut up and stop worrying. get your ass in there, and have fun." jaebum hissed, before disappearing, leaving jinyoung standing alone in front of the store.

all jinyoung knew about his date was that his name was hyunjin, and that he was 19. he knew nothing else about this boy. wringing his hands, jinyoung took a deep breath and walked into the coffee shop. he looked at all of the tables towards the back, but saw no one sitting alone.

"please tell me he didn't ghost me." jinyoung muttered, glancing at his phone. he glanced up once more, and his eyes immediately landed on the lone boy at a table near the window, dressed in all black, tattoos covering his forearms, a cigarette loosely hanging out of his mouth, unlit, a pair of black glasses sitting on his nose, and a black beret type hat on his head.

taking a deep breath, jinyoung walked towards the table, to what could be his date. the boy had earbuds in, and the music turned up just loud enough that jinyoung could hear his song playing through the boy's headphones.

"fuck." jinyoung cursed under his breath. of course his date would have to be a fan. of fucking course.

with another deep breath, jinyoung tapped the boy's shoulder, the boy jumping back slightly, startled. he removed the headphones from his ears, putting them in the case, and slipping the case in his pocket before looking up at jinyoung again.

jinyoung cleated his throat before speaking, taking in everything about the boy, from his tattoos, to his cologne.

"um, are you hyunjin?" the boy removed the unlit cigarette from his mouth, placing it on the table before raising an eyebrow in question.

"that depends, who's asking?"

"ah, a hamilton reference?" a smile peaked out from under jinyoung's mask, hoping the boy's had something in common right off the bat. hyunjin noticed jinyoung's smile, and gave a small smile in return.

"yes, a hamilton reference. i'm hyunjin, and you are?"

jinyoung pulled the mask off his face, showing his face to the younger boy, who's jaw dropped in surprise. jinyoung readjusted the mask on his face before sitting in front of the boy. "i'm jinyoung." he said quietly, extending his hand to the boy. hyunjin tenderly took jinyoung's hand, and shook it, his mouth still dropped in shock.

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⏰ Last updated: May 26, 2019 ⏰

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