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I whimpered and looked around

My eyes are teary...

Why does my head hurt so much...

I slowly open my eyes and wince,

it's dark sure but it still hurts my eyes

After a few moment u open them and gasp seeing a boy...

*image of ----- unconscious on his side*

I blink and slowly sit up


I wince as my head hits the top of whatever room I'm in

I take a minute to take in my surroundings...

There was about two feet between the floor and roof...

There's a boy next to me so I think it's only about 2 feet by 3 feet by 6 feet at most....

I feel cramped

I flinch as I notice the boy open his eyes

???:"Who are you?"

Me: "I..... I'm (Alex/Alison)... You can call me Al for short....Who are you?"

???: 'Komi...where are we?"

Me: "I don't know... Some kind of trunk?"

Komi: "it feels like we're moving...."

Now that I mention it... He's right

There was a slight motion back and forth

Me: "what happened?..."

Komi: "God we've gotten into a right bad situation haven't we..."

Me: "no kidding..."

The tension in here is crazy...

Why can't I ignore this feeling...

I can feel his breath on my neck...

I didn't even notice until now

Komi: "stop it..."

Me: "what?..."

Komi: "shaking... Y-you're making me nervous"

I made him nervous?..

Me: "I'm not..."

Wait a minute... He's shaking

Komi: "sorry.. I guess I'm a little on edge... I get nervous when I don't know what's going on... I'm not used to being locked in a car trunk with another person I've never met"

Me: "understandable..."


*Komi jumps*

Komi: "what was that?!"


The cars stopped....

There was a sudden burst of light, it's blinding

I wince at the light and suddenly feel something blunt hit me around the head

I black out...

I open my eyes and wince seeing nothing... Then I see Komi, he's awake and is talking to some people

Me: "where am I?"

Cynthia: "yoooooo, this is the place to beeee. We're safe at least and I'm surrounded by a bunch of idiots. I'm having a GREAT time" a girl says sarcastically

Zuko: "Sorry... That's Cynthia. I'm Zuko and well... Let me show you everyone...."

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