Info! - 1

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You don't reaaallly have to read this it just kinda lets you into the personality and facts a little early. It'll all be said in the story eventually but if you kinda want the whole picture in front of you then go ahead and read this. If your a more as you go person and like learning in developments, like a throw away the instructions person you don't have to read this "chapter"
Little discription of Hisashi:
Hisashi has shoulder length black hair same texture as izuku that he usually let's izuku put in crazy hairstyles to confuse his co-workers you know it's a serious day when hisashi comes in with his hair down and a calm one when he has his hair in a rose bun sometimes half of his hair is down half of it up in the bun sometimes all of it is in the bun.
Fun little things in this universe that I thought of:
The natural oils on both their body are all highly flamibale so any time Hisash lights on fire his hair does as well he's never needed to wash his hair and his quirk weakens when he uses any soaps to remove his natural body oils same with izuku so the take 'fire baths' they literally just sit in their fire proof room with their fire proof cloths and set themselves on fire to incinerate any dirt on them.
They both have wings just like on all other parts of their bodies the oils on their (completely ink black) wings is highly flamibale where they get the phoenix theme from
Hisashi went to U.A same year as all might which in this they were good friends and their third year was Aizawa's and Yamda's (Eraserhead and Present mics) first year. Hisashi was only about 21 when Izuku came to be so he's very much young and fun
(By the way all for one vs one for all rivalry is yeeted out of this story all mights still spry and young-he looks like he did in high school when relaxing and he muscles up to his hero form the one from before the accident- but all for ones just this rando A lister villan and the only relation is that he took tenko- also dabi is most definitely touya)
He's 6' bout 182 cm
Izuku info:
Izuku always has his hair up (his hair is all black like his dad's)
Izuku's quirk: he can breath fire like his dad and he can set himself on fire like his dad. They convert carbon dioxide into a flamibale mix of pure oxygen and methane (when they over use their quirks they start to sweat our water as a reaction from the methane and oxygen in their systems) once there is fire he can control all aspects of it manipulating it he can remove the heat from it or add more etc. He's mastered the art of removing the heat and almost solidafiing it so he can use it as normal telekinesis once he learned about molecular structures he learned to weave the fire into hexagonal patterns to a molecular level making Izuku's imagination the only limit to what he could do with his fire
Izuku is non-bianary in this they/them
Hisashi has been friends with Masaru Bakugo since they were kids almost brothers
Izuku and Katsuki have this whole platonic husband's thing going on (they eventually get shouto in on that - poor abused child) since they were baby's
5'10 bout 177 cm
Izuku is blind poor sweet baby he sees using heat signatures (meeting todo is gonna be interesting for him and an oh no for Hagakure-sweet girl her quirk rendered useless by the unknowing innocent boi who quietly sits there, no matter all the knowledge he has the only way I can think he can figure out Hagakure's quirk is by others people's reactions or someone tells him and sometimes Bakugou just forgets and Izuku wouldn't ask)

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