It's about 3:00 by the time I make my way to the kitchen. The air smells of pepperoni and olives, meaning one thing, Micah must be making my favorite meal.
"Smells good Mi!" I exclaim walking into the kitchen only to be faced with Harry.
He turns to face me, his eyes full of regret. My breath hitches.
"Hey, I was just going to leave this by your door." Harry says turning to face me. He is wearing a white tee which shows his tattoos beautifully and black skinny jeans, a dish towel adorns his shoulder. The tray holding the pizza, in his hands as he places it on the counter in front of me. He smiles sheepishly and scratches the back of his neck nervously.
"You didn't have to make this you know?" I say tugging a loose strand of hair behind my ear.
"I know but you deserve this and more." He says eyes on the counter as he removes the dish towel from his shoulder. He leaves without one more word.
I reach for tray cutting it into eighths and taking a slice. I eat alone, just me and my thoughts.

It's 4:15 by the time I make it to the stairs. I ascend the stairs, and go into my room. I take out a hoodie from when I visited Yale in the United States, boy shorts and shorts to sleep in. I make it into the bathroom and turn the rain shower temperature as high as possible. I step in letting the water seep into my hair, the water cascading down my curves. I take my shampoo scrubbing my hair deeply trying to be a clean slate entirely. I scrub my body, and watch the suds go down the drain. I step out wrapping a towel around me, my hair dripping down my shoulders. I dry a bit before dropping the towel. I look at my curves, my freckles that adorn my back and shoulders, turning around in the mirror. I hear a door knob move but I am not quick enough to move. The door reveals a wide eyed Harry, looking at me and then to the mirror. I pick up my towel and my clothes running past him, but his long gorgeous fingers wrap around my wrist, yanking me back towards him. Harry's eyes full of emotion, as he brings his pink tongue to his lips poking it out, wetting his lips before he speaks.
"You were looking at yourself weren't you. You were inspecting every inch, every blemish." Harry says his eyes searching for truth.
I don't respond I just want my wrist forward, however I'm pulled back.
"Don't ever think you're anything less than perfect. Every goddamn inch is beautiful. Understand?" He says letting go of my wrist trading it for my chin.

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