Chapter 2

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Thursday morning came around and I woke up earlier than my normal time. I wanted to wish my mom good luck on her first day with the new client.
"Good morning ma!"
She gave me a warm smile, "Good morning mija. Tienes escuela hoy?"

I palmed my face. I forgot there was no school today. "No, not today. Thank you for reminding me" I giggled.

"Pues entonces, quieres a ir a trabajar conmigo?" Should I go to work with her? I wanted to spend the day working on college applications.

"I don't know. I wanted to work on my college applications."

My mom slightly frowned, " Porque te quieres a ir a la universidad? Mira, deberias ir al colegio comunitario."

"But mom, I don't want to go to community college. I want to study out of state." Ever since I was in grade school, I envisioned myself going to a big school, studying hard to become a psychologist.

"Pues, si quieres, podemos a hablar en la tarde." my mom suggested. I didn't want to continue this conversation later today. I wanted to avoid it as much as I can. Our ideas of success don't align together.

"Esta bien, voy a trabajar contigo" I said. I guess I could continue my college apps during the weekend. Besides, it's been awhile since I went to work with her.

. . .

It was almost noon. My mom was working in the kitchen and I was cleaning the bathrooms.
I pulled out my phone and decided to play some music off of Spotify.
As I was wiping down the bathtub, the sound of heels clicking was heard from a distance. I quickly turned off the music, not knowing who that could be. In front of me, there is a woman who looks about my mother's age. Her blonde hair and colored eyes astounded me.

"I'm sorry Miss! My name is Alyssa, daughter of Julie Ruiz." I offered to shake my hand, but instead was pulled in for a quick hug.

"There's no need to be sorry Alyssa. You can call me Karen. I made a quick stop before returning to work."

"Thank you Karen. It's a pleasure to meet you. " I said. This woman is sweet. I bet her family is wonderful.

Karen excused herself and I was finishing up the bathrooms. I headed downstairs to the kitchen to meet my mom.

"Hey ma, I finished with the bathrooms. And I met Karen." My mom stopped what she was doing and faced me. "She's sweet, isn't she? Since you're done with the bathrooms, can you go back upstairs to clean two small rooms? Karen said one was hers and the other is her son's." I nodded at my mom's request and went back upstairs.

* * *

I was in Karen's office, dusting the shelves and picked up a photo frame. In the photo, there she was with her husband and two kids, a boy and a girl. They were all smiling, hugging each other under the christmas tree. I smiled at the frame. You can see the love they have for each other.

I continued dusting and came across another photo. She was hugging who I assumed to be her son. He wore a navy blue suit and she wore a black dress. The two were smiling. The moment I realized I was staring at a photo of my mom's boss' son, I put the frame back in its place and continued cleaning.

I went into her son's office and was amazed at what was in front of me. There was a desk with a computer, and a mic?

Woah, does this guy sing? I looked at the wall and admired the guitars hung up. I bet this dude sings and plays music. I continued to clean the office.

I was sweeping the floor before a male voice nearly scared me. " Wow, my room looks great!" I stopped and turned to face the unfamiliar voice. I swear I could feel my heart beating out of my chest as I stood in front of Karen's son.

"Oh, thank you" I whispered. He's so handsome. His brown curls and soft gaze was attractive enough to make my cheeks heat up. This man is so fine, that it actually hurts a little bit.

He offered his hand, "my name is Shawn by the way. You must be Alyssa?"
My mouth slightly dropped open. I shook his hand and couldn't help seeing his tattoo on his hand.

"Cool ass tattoo" I complimented. "Aww, thank you!" he replied. Awkwardly standing there, I turned around to finish sweeping his room. However, I can see through the corner of my eye that he was standing in the doorway, making me feel uncomfortable.

"I'm sorry Shawn, but is there anything I can help you with?" Was I working too slow? I probably look like an idiot. I was anxious to hear his response.

"No, no. You're fine. I should be sorry for being in your way. It was nice meeting you!" Shawn left the room, leaving me alone. I let out a sigh of relief. I managed to finish before heading downstairs to meet my mom again.

Published on 5/17/21

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