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I'd always had a hunch that life existed after death, although I never had proof until recently. I had always been a sceptic, laughing off ghost stories as people's overactive imaginations. It wasn't until early last year that I realised how wrong I was.

It was raining, that's not uncommon for where I live. It rains close to three quarters of the year; you get used to it after a while. I don't mind the rain; I find it relaxing. I'd just moved into an old house. Old houses tend to creak and groan when the wind blows, at least, that's what I'd tell myself. I wonder now if all that groaning wasn't the house at all. I was watching a film in my new home, my girlfriend was visiting her family a few towns over, so I'd stayed home to watch our cat. The rain pelted down and Maxwell, our cat, sat comfortably on my lap. The screen flickered light across the lounge, shadows dancing across the walls and ceiling. I watched the screen mindlessly and was soon drifting off. About forty minutes passed when the movie ended, and the screen played static. I must have woken to the sudden sound. I stood up and turned it off, carrying Maxwell up the stairs to the master bedroom. He meowed curiously at me as I placed him on the foot of the bed and went into the bathroom, instead of climbing straight in. "You can come with if you like, silly cat." I laughed, watching as he lazily climbed off the bed and followed behind me. I had a quick shower and threw on my pyjamas. I went through my nightly routine and climbed into bed, turning the lights off as I went. I mention this fact because I know I turned them off, I always do otherwise the bathroom light annoys me. I lay in bed, Maxwell curled up beside me and drifted off to sleep.

I jolted awake, cursing at Maxwell as he hissed near the foot of my bed. "Why are you even awake?" I groaned and rolled over, checking the alarm clock. 3:30 am. I looked around and noticed that the light in the bathroom was on. Confused, I climbed out of bed and opened the partially closed door. "Babe, is that you?" I called out before walking in, there was no response. Maxwell ran between my feet, almost tripping me up. "Get out of it," I warned, not in the mood for games. He growled at me and I sighed, "come on, let's get back to bed." I turned off the light and climbed back in bed. I shut my eyes, waiting for Maxwell to lay back down. He let out a low growl and backed up next to me. I opened my eyes and saw that the bathroom light was on again. At this point, I was considering calling the police, but I didn't want to waste their time on irrational fear. I got up once more and Maxwell bolted in front of me, seemingly trying to stop me from going in the bathroom. I stepped over him and reached for the slightly closed door again, creaking it open. I walked in and looked around, checking behind the shower curtain and in the hot water closet carefully. When I was sure the room was clear I reached to turn off the light. As I did, I saw someone out of the corner of my eye. Someone was sitting on the end of my bed; I could see their dark silhouette standing out in the dim light. "Babe?" It was the figure of a woman, I stupidly assumed it was my girlfriend, but when she didn't respond I grew worried. "I didn't think you'd be home until the end of the week." Maxwell hissed and spat in her direction. He growled savagely and stood in front of me. "Maxwell, it's nothing to be afraid of," I tried reassuring him through my own fear. Suddenly the bathroom light flicked off, I jumped out of my skin as the sudden darkness enveloped me. I flailed wildly for the light switch and when I found it, a hand was already there. I shrieked, embarrassingly loud for a grown adult, and leapt out of the room. I ran for the main light and flicked it on. The room was empty, the bed was empty, poor Maxwell was cowering behind me. I tried to assure myself that it was only my imagination getting the better of me, the lie was totally unconvincing.

I lay on the couch downstairs, not interested in staying in the master bedroom for the night. Maxwell lay in the crook of my arm, purring softly. I felt a breeze brush across my shoulder, I shuddered and pulled the blanket up higher. I breathed out, watching the mist suddenly forming. I heard someone whisper my name, right next to my ear, and I felt a hand press down on my shoulder. My blood froze and I tried to get up, my body fighting my mind for control. Maxwell bolted out of my arms, leaving a nasty scratch behind. The pain was enough to snap me out of my stupor and I followed my cat out of the house. I only stopped long enough to grab an umbrella and my phone. I called the police as soon as I was out of the house. I calmed myself down long enough to explain the situation. The dispatcher on the other end told me that a patrol car was nearby and warned me not to go back inside the house. I nodded and watched my old house carefully. I cradled Maxwell in my arm as we stood in the rain. I gasped when the light inside the master bedroom came on and the shadow of a woman walked past the far window. The patrol car pulled up and the officers asked me some questions. I pointed to the window and, as I did, the window the woman had walked past shattered. The officers took off inside, I followed them carefully, not letting Maxwell down. The officers bolted upstairs and I followed them. They searched the entire floor, top to bottom while I stood at the top of the staircase. They came back empty handed, asking me if there was another way downstairs. "No," I replied, "this staircase is the only way up or down. Unless you jump from a window," I added morbidly.
"Do you have anywhere else to stay?" The older officer asked. I nodded. "Grab some clothes and we will make sure you get there safely. We'll give the house another search before we go." I grabbed a bag and packed a few essentials including the cash that I had stowed away. The officers followed me to a nearby motel, thankfully it allowed cats. Maxwell and I checked in and fell asleep on the old smelling bed. I was just grateful to be out of that house. 

The next morning, I ventured back into the house. The police had assured me that they'd found no signs of anyone breaking in, apart from the window that had shattered from the inside. I swept up the glass and boarded the window with some cardboard and plastic. I spent the next hour on the phone to get a replacement window put in. They assured me that they would get it installed within the week. As the night bled into the day, my anxiety levels were sky high. As soon as the sun had set, I was on the couch with my dear Maxwell, cowering under a blanket. I could hear somebody stomping down the stairs. I could hear my heart pounding in my ears. The noise stopped and the house was silent. I pulled the blanket down cautiously. Staring directly in my eyes was a woman, mouth hanging open in a silent scream. Her hair was matted with blood and dirt. Her skin was cracked and filthy. Her eyes were just empty sockets. I screamed and rolled off the couch, taking Maxwell with me. I felt nails grip my shirt, tearing as I got to my feet and ran. Maxwell was already by the front door when I got there. I fiddled with the lock, fingers failing miserably. I felt a cold hand on my shoulder and sharp nails digging into my skin. The ghostly woman yanked me back towards a closet under the stairs. Maxwell hissed and chased me, screeching at the intruder. I was being dragged on my back across my house, feeling every bump along the way. Maxwell caught up and latched onto the woman's arm, she released me and disappeared. I got to my feet, dazed and in significant pain. I worked my way back to the door when it flew open. My wife stood in the doorway, panic clear on her face. "Babe!" I cried out, "get out of the house!" 

"What are you talking about?" She hurried over to me, turning on the lights as she went. She gasped at the blood on my shoulder, pulling my shirt down to examine the wound closer. "What happened?"

"There was a woman," I stammered, "she attacked me, tried to drag me into the basement." My girlfriend hushed me, helping me to the car and to the hospital where I got stitched up. The police took a formal statement and searched the house, focusing on the basement. They found new concrete and dug it up, discovering a small cellar. In the cellar was the decomposed body of a woman that had been missing for years. They removed the body and allowed us to move back into the house once the investigation had been concluded. The house settled and the ghostly woman never reappeared. Maxwell, my girlfriend and I have a sense of weariness every time the conversation of ghosts and the paranormal gets brought up. 

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : May 27, 2019 ⏰

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