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written in the perspective of third person.

"I do miss my Maytag"

Elena and the rest of the women in the camp sans Lori Grimes were seated in a line by the quarry, laundry being their job for the moment. "I miss my Benz, my sat nav," Andrea adds, a small grin on her face.

"I miss my coffeemaker," Jacqui adds on, wringing a shirt. "With that dual drip filter and built in grinder, honey."

"My computer," Amys joins in, pausing. "And texting." Andrea shrugs when she's done, nonchalantly saying, "I miss my vibrator." Elena's loud laughter is the first thing to break the silence of the women, Amy following suit. "Oh, my god," she states in between bursts of laughter at her sister's words. It dies quickly, though, and this time Elena isn't the one to break the silence.

"Me, too"

The group of girls laugh in surprise at Carol, happiness returning to them for the first time in awhile. It felt so normal, Elena thought. Like they were old friends grabbing coffee and sharing jokes. It filled her with nostalgia for a moment she never had.

"What's so funny?" Ed's voice broke their laughter. "Just swappin' war stories, Ed." Andrea responded, but Elena's attention was on Carol, who had ceased any sign of joy and avoided her husband's gaze, instead returning to work.

Ed circled the women, a cigarette in his hand, Elena couldn't help but feel like his actions wee oddly predatory, it made a chill run up her mind from the familiarity. Andrea is the first to speak up, "Problem, Ed?"

"Nothin' that concerns you," Was his response and Elena couldn't help her quick mouth that often caused her to be in situations like this.

"Oh, how bold of you," She spoke without moving her eyes towards him, her attention on the laundry.

"Maybe you ought to keep that mouth of yours shut and focus on your work. This ain't no comedy club." At this, Elena couldn't help but swerve her head towards him, "What's your job, Ed?" His response was silence, so she continued through his death-threatening stare, "Maybe you ought to focus on whatever the hell you're supposed to be doin', then. This ain't the 1950s."

The glare Ed gave Elena was one of pure hatred, and for a minute, she wasn't sure what his next move would be. Amy's hand on her arm made her break the gaze, turning back to her job. Several minutes passed when Andrea suddenly stood up in frustration. "Ed, tell you what, you don't like how your laundry is done, you are welcome to pitch in and do it yourself." Andrea tossed the wet shirt she has in her hand to the man, "here." It's immediately thrown forcefully back to her.

"Ain't my job, missy." Amy and Elena stand up, coming to Andrea's side. Andrea blows up, "Then answer, Elena, Ed. What exactly is your job? Sitting on your ass smoking cigarettes?"

"Well, it sure as hell ain't listening to uppity smart-mouthed bitches that need to be put in their place. Tell you what," He pauses, looking at Carol, who immediately moves to get up. "Come on," He orders. "Let's go."

"I don't think so, Ed, she doesn't need to go anywhere with you. She's not a dog, don't treat her like one." Elena crosses her arms, eyes trained on the cigarette smoke smelling man in front of her.

"That's none of your business," Ed states, gesturing to Carol again. "Come on now, you heard me." Andrea reaches for Carol, but is stopped by the frail looking woman. "Andrea, please. It doesn't matter."

"Carol, you don't have to go with him," Elena says, her eyes looking into Carol's meaningfully. A tight grip on her arm makes Elena look at the man in front of her in shock. He speaks maliciously, his eyes seemingly darker. "Now don't think I won't knock you on your ass just because you're fucking the man with the guns, all right?"

Elena laughs in shock, looking at Andrea to see if she really just heard what she thought she did, but was met with the same exact level of shock and disgust she imagined was written on her own face. Letting go of the youngest Grimes, Ed gestures to his wife again, "Now you come on now, or you're gonna regret it later."

Chills went down Elena's spine, her mind traveling back to a close memory, luckily Jacqui spoke up, spitting each word with a new layer of disgust. "What, she's gonna show up with fresh bruises later, Ed?" Ed begins laughing manically as Jacqui finishes. "Yeah, we've seen them."

He replies with a simple, "Stay out of this, you know what? This ain't none of ya'll's business." Elena doesn't back away from the tall man, despite the foot of difference and the murderous glint in his eyes, even as she can feel his hot breath on his face as he says, "You don't want to keep prodding the bull here, okay? Now I am done talking. Come on." He physically grabs Carol, his hand tight on her arm. Elena places herself dangerously in between the couple as Andrea grabs the woman.

Carol mutters something that makes Ed lose it. "You don't tell me what, I tell you what," He shouts and the danger in his words is enough to make Elena fully section the two away from each other, moving in front of Carol, her back pressed against the older woman, just as Ed finishes his sentence with a bang. Literally. Elena's right cheek became red hot with this familiar feeling of blood rushing to the wounded area. Her ears rang from the force of the slap as she heard Andrea, Jacqui and Amy scream out.

Still, Elena managed to yank Carol's arm away from the man as the other women held him away from Carol. Elena's hands pressed against each of Carol's cheeks. "Are you okay," She asked over and over again, the younger girl's eyes wide with adrenaline, the older woman's wide with fear.

There was a sudden halt in the shouting, catching Elena's attention as she watched her boyfriend drag the predatory man away from the women. Punches were thrown and in the back of her mind she could hear her own muffled cries in replacement of Carol's, all memories of pre-apocalyptic life.

Even from where she was standing, she could tell that she wasn't the only one that felt as if she were time traveling right now, because as Shane's knuckles split, so did his perception of who he was actually fighting.

As Shane stumbled away, Carol yanked herself out of Andrea's grasp, sobbing apologies to her own abuser, Elena's blue eyes caught Shane's brown ones as he snapped back to reality, but no guilt was present on his expression. Elena blew out of her nose, a low sigh, and motioned her head back to the RV. She trudged in front of him, her hands deep in the pocket of her sweatshirt. When she reached the RV, she swung the door open and began rustling through the bathroom cabinet. She could hear his deep pants, and she did what she does in every high-stress situation, she made a really dumb joke. "Weren't you ever taught in kindergarten that violence isn't always the answer?" When she got no response but empty air, she finally turned to face him. Arms wrapped around her small frame, pulling her tightly into the chest of her sweaty boyfriend.

"I just-" Elena was shocked to hear Shane's voice heavy with unprocessed emotions. "I can't let something happen to you again." Elena shook her head the best she could considering she was being smothered by her boyfriends chest. "Nothing will, you don't have to worry about me, Shane." She promised, even though she knew that both of them were aware that nothing in this world was safe anymore.

She was released slightly, large hands now on both sides of her head, Shane's thumb lightly rubbing against her right cheekbone, where a bruise was already forming. "My only job is to make sure you're safe, Elena." His voice was so distraught that Elena couldn't stand it, she reached up, her lips finding his in a delicate yet reassuring kiss. "And you're doing a great job," She assured him, a soft smile on her lips. "My stupidity just isn't something your insurance should have to cover." Shane lets out a breathy laugh, looking down, the same look in his eye that Lori gets when talking to Elena; guilt.



how does lori's pussy taste, elena 

i'm sorry i'll never say that again, that moment was cute and all, but elena sweetie, get that daryl DICK-son sdhfkasjdhf

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