Chapter Five | Chocolate Chip Cookie House

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"Ahhhhhhh!!!" Sadie screams. "It's coming!" A dark shape hurls itself at us with a snarl when...

"Ahhhh!" I scream. Then I realise it's just a nightmare. Thank goodness we're not stuck in one of those! I breathe a sigh of relief. Then I stretch up and I bonk my head against something hard. What is it with all these low ceilings? I look up to see a low hanging branch above my head and I groan. Another forest? Why do all fairytales have to be in forests?

A movement besides me snaps me back to reality. Jim is snoring next to me and I shake him awake. He sits up suddenly and bonks his head on the branch too. "Ouch!" he cries. "Oh, hey, Callie? What fairytale is it this time?" he grunts sarcastically. I look down at my clothes. Old, ragamiffin styled. I laugh at Jim's cute little boy outfit and he rolls his eyes. "Let's find out, shall we?" I reply.

We get up with Jim groaning loudly. We walk for a couple of minutes, down a twisty path, similar to the one from Rose Red and Snow White, with Jim kicking a stone, a scowl on his tanned face.

"Not a morning person, huh?" I chuckle.
Jim huffs in reply. But then, he looks up, and a big, goofy grin spreads across his once angry face.


Chocolate chip cookies! An entire house of it! The walls are made of cookie, and the window sills are huge slabs of chocolate. Yum!

Jim sprints to it and breaks of a generous helping. "Still warm!" he announces.
I laugh and follow suit. "I guess..." I murmur between chewing big bites of cookie. "I guess we're in Hansel and Gretel!"
"Yes!" Jim agrees, obviously out of his morning mood because of the miracle cookies. "And instead of a gingerbread's a chocolate chip cookie house! That the fairytale...knows us...too...mmph...well!"

The witch.

I gulped. I wonder what she's like? Will we make it to the next fairytale alive?

Suddenly, we hear a croaky voice coming from inside the cookie house:
"Nibbling, nibbling, like a mouse,
Who is nibbling at my house?"

The voice sounds familiar and rather...bored? Jim and I look up, expecting the worst, but when we see the terrifying 'witch' we laugh helplessly.


"Oh my gosh, Sadie! When you had to say that stupid little rhyme, I just cracked up!" I laugh. Jim is also chuckling, but with a mouth full of chocolate chip cookies. Who knew anyone could love them more than I do?

So anyways, we've established that Sadie is 'the witch', but for once, she looks quite fashionable in one of these fairytales, excluding the Rose Red and Snow White one, of course.

"I still don't understand why you guys get to have all the nice characters, but I have to be ugly, evil or plain mean! That's so unfair!" Sadie complains for the millionth time today.

"Relax, sweetpea," Jim assures her. "You'll get your chance to shine! I mean, if they made Callie a princess, you definitely can be one!" I whack his arm and pretend to scowl.
"Alright," Sadie gives in reluctantly. "I'll just believe you guys."

We giggle a little while longer, before we drift off to a land of dreams...

...Until, you guessed it, the clock strikes midnight.

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