Alright. Anyone Wanna

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Be apart of Darkness Rises?

Cuz I'm gonna start brainstorming as soon as I can.

But Im not going to put a lot of people in so.

First 9(since I'm already putting someone in) creators gets to be a character

Creators being featured:
1. ifoxythepirate - Survivor/Wheatley
2. MidnightSpider87 - Villian/Queen Of Spiders
3. baki10addz - Villain/ King Of Darkness
4. _Ikonik_ - Survivor
5. siriuspupet - Villain/Shadow Asassain
6. FoxLover30 - Survivor

You can state if you wanna be a villian (I need a few to be villians) or a survivor.

Have a Pawesome Day Guys!

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