Chapter 5

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Deidaras P.O.V

I woke up to have ________ curled around me, memories of last night came in with a flash. I put my hand on my back, wincing with pain and the scratch marks.

Remind me to cut this girls nails. I thought painfully. I got out of bed and got changed. I fixed my hair and glanced at ________. I smiled lovingly at her and left the room.

I want into the kitchen and saw the boys staring at me eagerly. I remembered that they were spying on us and I winced.

"so," Hidan smiled, placing his elbows on the table and hands on the back of his hands, "what happened? Kakuzu made us leave so he could count his money."

I mentally crumbled with relief. They are NOT knowing what happened last night.

________ came up behind me, limping. 

I glanced worriedly at her, then leaned foreword and mumbled in her ear so the others couldn't hear, "did I go to hard?"

She shook her head, still exhausted, she grabbed my arm and muttered something.

"Nothing happened!?" Hidan waved his arms around. "You guys just kissed and, nothing else!?"

________ smirked, "nothing else." 

Konan grabbed __________'s arm and lead her to her room.

__________'s P.O.V

Konan lead me to her room and shut the door, she turned to me with a smiling face, "what happened?"

I flopped on her bed, "it was awesome!" I breathed.

She laughed and jumped on the bed beside me, "I remember the first time me and Pein went at it. It was like a dream." 

I purred, "it's different, Pein is... rough and mean. Deidara is, kind, and gentle. He cares."

"Awww!" Konan teased. "Someone's in love!"

"Don't be silly!" I waved my hand. "We get in arguments ALL the time! It's pretty sad."

Konan placed a hand on her hip. "Please, a guy fucked you and you don't even love him?

I couldn't stop, I just blurted it out. I sat up, "I DO love him!" I gasped and covered my mouth and covered it with my hands.

Konan smiles like she just won a million dollars. "I KNEW IT! OH MY GOD!" 

"Please be quiet!" \(;'□`)/ I tried to get her to be quiet but she was freaking out.


"Why would Kisame be jealous?" I asked.

Konan turned to be with a, you're-joking-me-right? Look. "Kisame has a crush on you!"

"I thought Him and Itachi were a couple." I muttered, confused.

"Itachis gay, Kisame isn't." Konan explained.


3rd person 

"then why don't you tell her?" Itachi asked Deidara.

"Because he might not like me back!" _______ worried

"Well what if he does?" Konan asked.

"But that's a huge risk!" Deidara worried.

"It's a risk worth taking." Konan shrugged. 

"But it's a big risk!" ________ wailed

"Listen," Itachi grabbed Deidaras shoulders, "your from the Akatsuki, asking someone out isn't that scary."

They both sighed, "your right, thanks  Konan/Itachi."

___________'s P.O.V

I left Konans room in a confused mess. What should I do? What if Deidara asks me out when I'm in a bad mood? What if I never work up the courage to ask him out?

"Hey," I voice said behind me, I whipped around to see Kisame.

"Hi." I tried to leave the hallway but Kisame blocked the way, I tensed my shoulders. Feeling uncomfortable.

Kisame smiled his toothy grin. "Did anyone tell you pretty you are?" 

I curled my nose, growling. "No, but thank you for the compliment." I tired to move past.

He brushed his finger on my cheek and I hissed. "Don't touch me."

"How can I when your so beautiful?" He asked leaning closer. I leaned back and took a step back.

"Deidara can have anyone." Kisame took my hand, "you're mine."

I yanked my hand away, "DONT TOUCH ME!" I roared, casing Kakuzu, Sasori, Pein, and Zetsu to poke their heads out of their doors.

"What!?" Kisame raised his hands in a hey-chill manner. "I was only trying to be nice."


Konan ran up to me and faced me, turning back to Kisame, "Back off you son of a bitch!" She snarled.

Wait till Deidara finds out. I growled and pushed Kisame away and stormed off. I bumped into Deidara.

"Hey!" He smiled then frowned, seeing my face, " what's wrong."

I was shaking with anger, so Konan placed her hand on my shoulder, "Kisame tried to rape her."

"WHAT!?" Deidara was filled with anger, he clenched his fists and tried to storm off.

"No Deidara." I growled, stopping him in his tracks. "If anyone kills him, it's me."

Deidara smiled sideways at me, "you're badass."

"And you're not." I purred.

I saw out of the corner of my eyes Kisame hidden in the shadows, glaring at me with hunger filled eyes. I knew that If Kisame wanted something, he wouldn't stop until he got it.

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