Monday May 27th 2019

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                             I went to Laverne park to go camping for Memorial Day. During the time I decided I wanted to ride my bike to I go to ride my bike and I wreak on the parking lot right next to the park. My knee was covered in blood and some skin was peeling both my hands. All the kids at the park saw me fall off my bike and rush over to me. Keep in mind, I wreaked on concrete. There weren't any scratches on my bike thankfully, but I wasn't as lucky. So the kids ran over to me to see if I was left knee was covered in blood and my right knee wasn't as bad. My mom is a home health nurse so she bandaged up my knee and put bandaids on my hands. But my wrist hurt a lot so my mom had me try to hold a water bottle and I couldn't even grab it. So my mom takes me to the hospital in coquille which was the closest one. So when we got there the doctor said that they can do an X-ray of it...they did and when the results showed I was super relieved that it wasn't broken because this Friday I have this dance thing I have to do! But the doctor did say that she thinks it's just a deep bruise and that I should be ok, but my mom thinks that it's a small sprain. So yesterday we took the bandages off and we did the knee first and this is what it looks like!

 So yesterday we took the bandages off and we did the knee first and this is what it looks like!

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I am so surprised that it healed so well in only a wreak that happened 2 days ago! My hands are doing well but I'm keeping bandaids on them for protection. So i'll Have an interesting story to tell my friends at my school what happened during the weekend! I also hope that my hands heal before Friday! But the kids at the park did really help. One of them actually helped me walk my bike over to my campsite! So if that girl reads this, I would really like to say thank you for your help and your kindness towards me even though you didn't know who I was! I would also like to say thank you to the kids who rushed over to me to see if I was ok! All of that help and support really warms my heart! Even though I experienced this awful event I was glad that the kid's parents had brought this to this world some kind and considerate kids who would Help and support others in any situation right when they get that chance! But anyways, I hope all of you guys have a wonderful day/night and be that one kid/person to step up when there is trouble and keep our society together and bring others into the light! Bye! ive been told that one of my pics I posted here encourages suicide or self I had to delete the pic -.- so yeah...creators of wattpad, GET YOUR DANG EYES CHECKED! Geez...I literally said that's Its from a bike accident. You guys are stupid! Anyways, stay safe respectful, (even though I've just called the creators of wattpad stupid... .-.) and responsible! Bye!

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