Chapter 2

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I spent the rest of the night Hunter would jump me as soon as we were alone and how l could explain that l couldn't do that. I don't know how I didn't have a full blown meltdown right there in the pub. Hunter must have known that something was bothering me, he kept shooting me anxious glances.

"You have the most incredible eyes Riley, I've never noticed before," Abigail slurred, the alcohol wasn't affecting Hunter but clearly she didn't have the stomach for it. "Still can't believe you don't wear contacts."

To mortals my eyes were a genetic anomaly, an interesting quirk that could be explained by a trick of the light, but to my witch friends it meant something much different. It meant l was the first of a generation, the first ever child from two blood lines. The fact that my father slept around really pissed the council off, they can't trace my lineage. For all they know my mother is still alive but because she has made no attempt to contact me they have no choice but to treat me like an orphan.

"Beautiful," Hunter breathed, staring at me with such intensity that any beauty was destroyed by my blush.

Ivy was clearly enjoying seeing me struggle, she kept giggling at me. I rolled my eyes at her. Chase had left with another woman and Ivy had started trying to keep up with Hunter. The girl couldn't sit still and Michelle was getting concerned about her.

"Hey, I'm going to take her home. Riles, do you want to come with?"

I didn't want to leave but at the same time I would be left on my own with him. I didn't have to worry because I didn't get a chance to answer.

"I'm staying with Chase and Oscar, you can come home in my taxi if you want?" Hunter asked, giving me puppy dog eyes that I could see I would have trouble saying no to.

"Sure. I've got my keys."

The girls' left and so did Abigail after some gentle persuasion. The bar emptied all of a sudden and the atmosphere between the two of us felt charged with something electric. We talked for what felt like hours and even though I knew what l was to him he was a perfect gentleman.

"Look Riley. I know what you are and I'm sure you know what l am," Hunter said, nursing an empty beer bottle. "But, you don't need to worry. I'm not gonna jump you. We can take this at your pace."

"Thank you," I smiled and meant it when I said. "That makes me feel so much better."

He asked for my phone and gave me his so l put my number in. l wasn't sure if this could be counted as a date or not, l hoped he didn't. I wasn't exactly dressed for a date, in a pair of holy jeans and ratty shirt. He looked amazing for just getting off a plane.

"so, you're a hockey player?" Somehow that was the most normal thing l could think of to ask. "How often do you end up hurt?"

"Not that often to be honest, how often do you get shouted at?"

I shrugged, "I tend not to think about that."

"Well next time you have a bad day text me and I'll treat you to a nice meal."

My eyes went wide, "like a date?"

He smiled and nodded, and then his face fell a little, "Is that okay?"

It wasn't so much what he was saying. The thought of being alone with a man again still kind of brought me out in a cold sweat but, he was letting me make the decisions.

"It sounds great." I picked up my glass and stood up. "I'll buy these ones, same again?"

He nodded good naturedly and l headed to the bar. Chase was working still, I think he must want to be at the party and not working it. The owner had give his blessing for us to hold it there. Chase must have arranged his shifts to get the party off.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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