Chapter 14: Werewolves are bad?

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Chapter 14:

Werewolves are bad?

The day I have been dreading for the past week has arrived.

I kept my head down as I walked in class praying I don't get chosen today.

I felt people stare at me but I decided not to lift my head up and confront their eyes.

I sat down at my spot and sighed.

"Ella!" I didn't even have to see who spoke because her voice is somewhat, different than what people would consider normal.

"How's my Noah? Is he alright? When's his operation? May I be there with him? May I drop off some muffins and cookies? I have for the past days. Does he eat them? Oh no! What happens if he can't digest them...?"

Once again I simply tuned her out and rolled my eyes.

I have to admit...

She is a pain in the behind

I felt eyes burn holes on my back and I decided not to make any of it.

Then the teacher walked in and I took a deep breath and closed my eyes.

If she picks me today I don't know what I would do.

I could lie maybe, but I have a reputation of always doing my projects on time for the due date, finish all my homework for the next day and never fail a grade or an exam.

If I lie, people would realize something is up and ask questions. I can't just blurt out in their faces that my partner died before I got the chance to do anything with him.

I have a feeling people wouldn't believe me. I don't know why but its like this entire death scene is not affecting them at all, only me.

It's almost as if they didn't know.

Naturally whenever something ironic or tragic maybe even stupid, happens the Media instantly goes and grabs it to announce it to the world. Although, I hadn't noticed anything on TV or in the news of the death of a teenager at a fair.

Actually, there hasn't been any deaths at all lately...

Last week it was the thing. There were murders everywhere, all over the place by the killer vampire, and suddenly, they stopped. No one has, unexpectedly, found a corpse laying around.

They all seem to have stopped when he died...

Or "died"?

Ever since that Facebook comment the evening he died he posted on his wall, I've always wondered, did he truly post that or could it have been someone else?

Maybe he got hacked, but the chance that it happens are very slim, however, it's still a possibility.

I can't seem to understand what it meant.

In the end, it makes me wonder if he really did die...

My mind trailed back before the fair when we were in his car talking. He told me that he had to hide his true identity in order for people to accept him.

Kind of like what I'm doing.

If I arrive at school with bleach white hair, I can guarantee even my own best friend will cast me away.

The only people who know about me are: my family (mom, dad, Raven, Miles and Noah) Dan and Will.

They accepted me, but the others won't. I know that for a fact.

My point is, I'm not so sure what Gabriel was trying to hide. Was it really something so important?

"Alright class, remove everything from your desk except your project. I will start by volunteers."

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