Chapter Eleven

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"I win," I shouted, slamming my cards on the table. I quickly picked up my phone to take a picture of my winning cards.

After dinner, Dylan suggested we play Monopoly Deal, I agreed even though I knew I'd probably spend half the game trying to figure out what it was about and learning it. To my surprise, I dominated every round and by that I mean I won every round. So it was no surprise that Dylan complained after my fourth win.

"Not again," Dylan complained.

"Oh? What's wrong Nosy Boy? You don't like losing to Girlie?" I asked sounding innocent yet mocking.

"Hmmph..." he sighed.

"I'm off to bed, next time we're playing a real game like Scrabble and not this childish one'" Mr. Jakes muttered.

"Don't be a sore loser love," Mrs. Jakes chuckled, "let's get to bed and I'll give you a consolation prize."

With the mention of a consolation prize being given by his wife, Mr. Jakes frown was turned upside down. Dylan, who was visibly disturbed by what his grandma had just said, pretended to be puking on the carpet. He was doing it so comically that I couldn't help but giggle.

"Goodnight Kathryn, goodnight Dylan," Mrs. Jakes said warmly, "be sure to get home safe. We live in a cruel world."

"You sounded just like my grandma when you said that, but have no fear I will be home safe," I replied.

"Goodnight Kathryn, see you tomorrow," Mr. Jakes said making his way up the flight of stairs with his wife right behind him.

I smiled at the old couple, it was clear to anyone with two eyes that they were still very much in love and nothing would ever change that for them. They had obviously reached one of their goals: to get married and grow old together. In a very mature and old-like way, I found myself being envious of them. Times now weren't as simple as they were when Mr. and Mrs. Jakes were falling in love, I concluded.

I looked at my watch and realized that it was getting quite late.

"Thinking of heading home?" Dylan surprised me by asking.

"Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of night-time driving."

"Why don't you just wait for Dannie to get home?"

"What difference would that make?" I asked, clearly not getting his point, "Where is she anyways?"

His face changed a little before he answered my question, I couldn't figure it out. It was like a happy-sad face.

"She's out on a date..."he paused, "with your friend. And if you wait for her, he can go home with you"

I had to keep myself from laughing at what he had just said. He couldn't be talking about Tim, it'd had only been three weeks since he met Dannie, surely he'd need more with her before asking her on a date.

'Hmmm, is that thought really coming from someone who went on a date with a boy who's name she did not know?' my conscience questioned.

'Good point,' I answered mentally.

Just to make sure I asked Dylan.

"Which friend?"

"You obviously know which friend I'm talking about," he said.

"Timothy?" I asked, raising my eyebrows for emphasis.

He nodded his head and turned on the TV ending the conversation. I guess my decision was made, I was staying until Dannie got home.


I know what you're thinking.

Using Dannie as an excuse to get Kat to stay was a lame move, but hey?, a guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do. Plus I didn't want to stay up alone waiting for my sister to get home safely from her date. Despite her calling me her 'baby bro', she was the one being treated like a baby most of the time. And besides, what kind of brother would I be if I didn't at least wait for her to get home?

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