School Day

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As we sat there, out of breath, we realised it was 11PM. We had school the next day but we didn't care. We passed out and woke up to the sound of his alarm. Aidan didn't bring any clothes for the morning so he wore what he wore yesterday. I put on a red sweater, jeans, uggs, and my winter coat. I went downstairs to see my mom and I introduced to her Aidan. "Mom, Aidan. Aidan, My mom." My mom smiled and shook Aidan's hand, her expression changing slightly from his naturally tight grip. I grabbed a granola bar out of the pantry, grabbed my bookbag and hopped in the car with Aidan. I started eating the granola bar and Aidan said, "Hold it! No eating in the car!" I gave him puppy dog eyes and said, "can't you make an exception for your girlfriend?" He thought about it and said, "ok just don't make any crumbs." I jumped up and down in my seat and kissed him, gaining dominance. He pulled away and started driving. We arrived at school and went to our lockers. We got our stuff and I whispered in his ear in a horny tone, "can't wait to see you tonight." He kisses me gently, yet still fighting for dominance. The day went by so slowly, when it came to lunch I practically stampeded as I ran to hug him. He grabbed me by my waist and held me. He put his lips on mine, quickly wrestling my tongue with his. We got looks and even some wolf whistles but we stayed there until we were out of breath and ready to eat. "I'm hungry!" I whine and cross my arms. "Hungry for what?" He winks at me. I gave him a sly look and punched his arm. We sit outside away from everyone else, I knew exactly why he led me here but I played innocent. He grabbed a box of chocolates with a note on top. "I heard you liked chocolates better than flowers ;)" I squealed in excitement and said 'yes' a million times. He held me on his waist and kissed me like there was no tomorrow. The bell rang after we got halfway into the chocolates. I had had chocolate on my face and Aidan wiped it off. The day went by even slower than before and when the final bell rang, I rushed to my locker and squeezed Aidan into a giant bear hug. I was shorter and smaller then him but I still squeezed him tight. I went home in his car, giddy with excitement. We both finished our homework during study hall, leaving my house to ourselves.
I'm back and won't be posting much because of school but summer is coming up
(Insta: gallaghersvids)

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