Chapter 3: I'm back.

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                                Kyle's POV

" C'mon Stan. Get out of there." I sighed, knocking on the bathroom door, " Kenny didn't me-

" Did that look like an accident to you Kyle?" snapped Stan. I shook my head. " Well... I know he DID mean it, bu-" Once again, my best friend interupped, " Save it, Kyle. Kenny is a greedy, selfish, fucking man whore!" He yelled as I facepalmed. ' At least let me finish a sentence...' I thought and tried again.

" Stan... Please get out. I know Kenny has been a jerk and all, but its not his fault." I commented.

" Not his fault." repeated Stan. ' Here we go again'. I thought " Not his fault? Dude! He fucking beat me up! Just because I liked the girl he liked! Kenny is a frikin enemy now." He boomed.

" Well you shouldn't have told him you liked her!" I replied, trying to gain power.

" How was I supossed to know he was gonna beat me up?!"

" Look, dude." I sighed, " At least get out of the bathroom. You can ignore Kenny all you want, but sooner or later Cartman is gonna have to drop a bomb in there."

There was a silence between us. Finally, Stan came out of the bathroom. He didn't look as bad as before. " Fine." He huffed, crossing his arms.

                                 Y/N' s POV

I knocked on Cartman's door. Too bad they won't remember. Too bad the don't know that I died.

Well-  anymore.

The door was opened by none other than Fatass. " Hey Y/N. " He causally said, letting me in. See? I knew the wouldn't remember. I walked inside. The others were sitting on the couch, Kenny on one side and Stan and my cousin on the other. Stan looked tired and beat up. I took a seat next to Kenny. He looked at me strangely and shook his head.       " So what do you suspect we do, Fatass?" Stan asked grumpily, folding his arms. " That's easy..." Cartman replied, " Eat!" We all groaned. Cartman went into the kitchen and came back with a box full of pizza. " Sweet, pizza! Pass me a slice Cartman." I smiled as Cartman handed me a slice. " Me too." added Kyle. " Sorry... Doesn't look like we have any Jew pizza..." Cartman joked as we all (except Kyle) laughed and Kyle rolled his eyes and took a slice of his own.
" You guys wanna watch a movie?" Cartman questioned, as we nodded. Cartman put in a horror movie and sat on the couch. Stan  scooted closer to me and so did Kenny. Kyle was staring at Cartman waiting for him to scream like a little girl and laugh at him.  Eventually he did and I could hardly hold in my laughter. Stan and Kenny kept scooting closer to me and to make a joke Cartman scooted next to all of us and squished us. Then Kyle jumped on all of us and we all burst into laughter. By the end of the movie Kyle had brought a blanket for all of us but refused to share with Cartman, so Cartman had to get his own. And by the time we fell asleep Stan, Kenny and I were bundled up like penguins and Kyle and Cartman were on opposite sides of the couch.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2014 ⏰

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