Chapter 12

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"W-What why should I? What should I know?" Dub placed his hands on her shoulders. "Babe. Do you know where Trip is?" Babe sighed. She knew that Dub would notice if she lied. "Yes, I do." The rapper was relieved. "And? Where is he?" 

The girl stood up and started packing her books in her backpack. She had started doing her homework before Double G came here. "I won't tell you." Kenzie decided to interfere. "Babe you can't just hide Trip from his own father!" "As you see, I can!" Dub fell on his knees. "Babe, please. I beg you, just tell me where my boy is. I need to know if he's okay. Please." The teenager grabbed her backpack and left for the door. She opened it to leave Game Shakers but stopped in her tracks. "He's with Tomika, but if you truly love him, love them, then you'll give them some space." Babe looked at him. "Maybe you should just use that brain of yours one time, and think about how much you and Hermione are hurting them." Then she left.

Her friends looked after her, but no one noticed the tear that rolled down her cheek. She had broken her promise. She had betrayed Trip's trust.

With School of Rock:

This is the new Living room in their house, hope you guys don't mind the change. I just think that it looks better this way:

 I just think that it looks better this way:

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 The siblings sat in the living room and were watching some TV as Tomika eventually said:" You need to talk to dad." Trip rubbed his face. "I know." Tomika took his phone from the table and laid it in his lap. "Call him." Then she stood up and grabbed her new skateboard. She and Summer were meeting at the park in ten. 

After his sister had left, Trip looked at his mobile. Sighing he took it and scrolled through his contacts. He pressed the phone against his ear and waited. "Hey, dad..."

When Tomika reached the park, Summer was nowhere to be seen. "Strange." She mumbled to herself. Instead, she spotted Zach sitting on a bench. Since the girl didn't want to wait alone, she sat down next to him. "Hey." He said. "Hi. What are you doing here?" "Waiting for Freddy. We wanted to hang out. And you?" "Waiting for Summer. We were planning to pay a visit to the mall." Suddenly both of there phones signaled, that they had gotten a message. "Summer ditched me..." Zach looked at her. "Funny. Freddy ditched me too." "Soooo what now?" "I dunno? Maybe we two could hang out?" 

Tomika resisted the urge to squeal in joy. She and Zach would hang out! Alone! AHHHHHH! Pull yourself together, Tomika!, she thought. "S-Sure why not?" She smiled. "The mall?" "The mall." The two stood up and left. But they didn't notice Summer, Freddy, Lawrence, and Mr.Finn sitting on a different bench, each of them a newspaper in their hands. Operation "Get-Zack-and-Tomika-together-without-them-noticing-and-find-a-shorter-name-for-this-operation" had begun.

Who else is hyped for Malibu Rescue?! Because I can't wait to see Brea in action and being badass!

Fun fact: My cat's name is also Gina

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