I'm An Akastu?

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Pein's POV

        I sat at my desk, more sensing than seeing Akuba leave.

        The door shut. I sat in the same position until I could feel her chakra start to move away. When I could barely sense her anymore, I put my elbows on my desk, covering my face in my hands. 

        I breathed out a breath, not willing to admit that it came out a little shaky. Onkei. 

Deidara's POV

        I watched Akuba, who looked like she was having a heart attack, and looked over toward Sasori. "Should we help her or...?"

        Sasori turned his calculating gaze on the girl, saying "No, just leave her. She'll catch up soon."

        Okay...whatever that means. "Should we just keep talking?" Sasori nodded.

        I opened my mouth to say something, but got interrupted by Akuba. Look who finally came back to the living, un.

        She croaked before going into a coughing fit. 

        Sasori swept past me-I was still holding room nineteen's door open-and came back out with a glass of water, holding it out for Akuba to take.

        Akuba stared at the cup like it was an alien until she blinked a couple times, reaching out for the water with left her hand. 

        As she gulped the water down, I took the time I hadn't taken before to actually look at the girl. She was tall, a few inches taller than me and Danna, and she had light brown hair, cut short, right below her ears. She had stunning blue eyes, the kind of dark blue the night sky was. She was wearing only a green tank top and cargo shorts that had so many pockets there was barely a space that wasn't a pocket. 

        I glanced back up to Akuba's face as she let out a gasp, breathing in air heavily from not taking any breaths while when she had chugged down the water.

        "I'm an Akastu?!" she said, her voice scratchy, as if she hadn't talked in a long time or had a sore throat. 

        I rolled my eyes, "Akatsuki."

       "Yeah, yeah, Akashuni, whatever," she said to me, waving her hand dismally. She looked at Sasori, "But why? I'm not-I don't-Why am I part of your group now?" she asked, almost hysterical.

        "Because Leader-sama wished it to be," Sasori replied calmly. 

        "I don't care about 'Leader-sama'," Akuba said sardonically, "Why did you even kidnap me in first place?" she growled.

        "Because Leader-sama wished it to be," Sasori said, still calmly, but a little tired of the conversation now. Wow, I don't think I've ever seen Sasori loose patients so quickly, un.

        "Oh, here we go with the 'Leader-sama' crap again! Why did you kidnap me?"

        "Just ask him yourself."

        "I will!"


        "You're not going to, are you?" 

        Akuba didn't answer. I wasn't surprised. Anyone who went face to face with the Leader never wanted to meet with him again. That is, those who survived an encounter with the Leader. 

        I cleared my throat loudly, breaking the silence that had grown over the two. They both looked at me, surprised, like they had forgot I was there. I hate being ignored. 

        "Well, this is your room, number nineteen," I pointed to the door, and the numbers 1 and 9 appeared in black paint across the door, "now, stay in here until we come get you tomorrow, that's when Leader-sama called a meeting, so he'll probably announce your new membership." I hurried on, talking fast, annoyed for some reason. 

        I held the door open even more, gesturing with my head for her to go in. She looked confused, off guard, and she opened her mouth, but no sound came out. 

        I walked over to Akuba, ushering her towards the door, "Come on, un, I'm sure your tired after such a long day. You just get some rest and stay in here," I pushed her inside the room. Akuba turned around, looking as if she was going to come right back out, but I shut the door in her face, locking it with chakra. I turned around, walking down the hallway, ignoring the rattling of the door handle and banging on the door. 

        "That was rude," Sasori said from next to me.

        "Like you're one to talk," I huffed, miffed about why I had been, and still was, annoyed at the girl.

AN: I know, even shorter than the last one. I swear I'll make up for it the next chapter. The guy somewhere over on the right is Pein. I hoped you enjoyed reading this as much as I enjoyed writing it. Until next time, my butterpeoples,


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