Laxus and Gray

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Gray blushed at the sight of the naked girl that was in the lake.

                Lucy stared back at the naked man, covering her breasts with her arms. She seemed both angry and embarrassed at the sight. “Why don’t you have any clothes on?”
                Gray took a step back from the girl. “I lost them.”
                “How is that possible?”
                “It’s kinda hard to explain.”
                Lucy turned toward the land behind her, not looking at Gray. She stuck out her hand. “Open gate of the maiden, Virgo.” A golden circle appeared in front of her along with a flash. The light faded and the maid spirit appeared before her.

                Virgo bowed to the naked blond. “You need my help, Princess?”

                “Can you go back to the celestial world and get me some towels along with clothing for myself and that guy.” Lucy pointed over to the naked man.

                Virgo shut her eyes. “Understood.” The spirit faded away.

    Gray raised an eyebrow. “A celestial wizard and she’s cute.”


                “There, Princess,” Virgo stated. “You both have been properly dressed in celestial clothing.” She stood in front of Lucy and Gray with her arms placed over her skirt.

                “Thanks, Virgo,” Lucy responded. There was a small irritation on her face. “But we could have dressed ourselves and our clothes didn’t have to match.”

                “I thought it made you look like a cute couple.” Virgo replied.

                The two blushed, being taken aback by the maid’s statement. Lucy pointed to Gray that stood beside her. “I just met him!”

                “You already seem more comfortable with him than with your last partner,” Virgo told her princess.

                “How would you know that? I never summoned you when he was around.”

                “But you used my power.”
                “Just go back.”

                “As you wish. Please, punish me next time.” The spirit faded away.

                Lucy sighed. “No, I’m not going to do that.”

                Gray placed his hand behind his head and scratched his head. “That’s one freaky spirit you have.” The boy was dressed in stylish blue pants with a white strip down the right leg along with a white shirt that clung to his body.

                “I know,” Lucy said. Lucy had been dressed in a pure white sleeveless dress with ruffles for the skirt, along with long white socks along with tiny heels, unattached sleeves that didn’t reach up to her shoulders, tied to her arms by blue ribbons, a blue ribbon around her neck, and two pigtails in the back of her hair.

                Lucy then brought her attention to the male. “So who are you anywhere?”

“Hmm?” Gray shifted his eyes in the girl’s direction. “The name is Gray Fullbuster. I’m a Fairy Tail wizard.”
                “Fairy Tail?”


                Laxus’ eyes snapped open. He sat up in the bed he was sleeping in. “Lucy!” He quickly glanced around the room to see where he was. He recognized that he was in a hospital room. He then gazed down to see his bandages had been changed and no doubt his wounds were clean.

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