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Name Hunter Goodwin
Age 17
Magic enchantment magic
Guild symbol red on hand
Personality he's nice, and friendly but he can get angry and pissed at the world
Likes: drawing, singing, reading, and going on jobs
Dislikes: being alone for a long time
Appearance: has long emo like hair, is about 5'11", wears a red Jacket, has a necklace that was given to him by his family
Scars, tattoos, etc: scar on his heart ((find out why))
Crush: Bickslow
Backstory: Hunter had a really good childhood, until his family was killed when a dark guild when he was only 10. He looked for a new home for ages and ended up finding Fairy Tail.
Other: Hunter suffers from really bad depression and anxiety. He's also really talented. Hunter also had a long lost sister who was separated when his village was destroyed so he tries to find her.

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