The Last Breath

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No one had ever heard the wind blow like this before. It snapped trees like twigs and tossed buildings like pebbles. Strangely, the broken pieces of earth flew upward and never landed. Even more strange was what happened to the people. They were unharmed. Not even touched by the wind's fearsome grasp. Everyone was urged to stay outdoors, so that they wouldn't be tossed into the air and disappear with their houses. There was one man who wanted more than anyone else, to find out where everything was going.

Lloyd Lewis stood in his hallway, gripping the rails he had attached to the wall. The house began to sway and he was swept up with his house into the upward current of wind. Lloyd grinned. It had worked. His smile didn't last long as he was swept into a black hole. He was breathed into the lungs of a great, divine being. He was simply dust, trapped in the breath of an unknown creature. Bits of what belonged to Earth floated within these lungs. Lloyd was too shocked to be devastated. He looked out his door and slowly floated outside, still within the lungs. He swam through the air and found another building. A shopping mall. He entered the building and flew to the food court. The food was still good, and the electricity still worked. Lloyd lived his life in solitude, until one day, the divine being, in whose lungs he resided, exhaled. He was placed back on Earth gently, everything was put back in place. Overjoyed, Lloyd ran outside, but he saw no one. Not a single person survived on the earth, for they had no food, no water. It had all been taken away. Lloyd, the last human on Earth eventually died, and with him every memory of the human race disintegrated.

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