Male!reader x Annie

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She looks so small and feeble but she definitely wasn't someone you wanted to mess with.

You've tried flirting with her once, didn't go well. You were flipped onto your back with your legs over you as you grunted in pain.

"Stop flirting with her dude you'll never get into her pants." Jean choked out a laugh he was trying to keep in.

"You know what Jean, fuck you. I have nicer muscles(a/n if you're not muscular then now you are xD) than you, horse face." You responded standing up in protest.

"Bro she probably has more muscle than you." Connie coughed out trying not to make it so noticeable.

"(Y/n) are you going to eat that!?" Sasha yelled as she reached over the table to try and grab your baked potato. Smacking her hand away she whimpered and withdrew her body to slump over back in her seat.

"Hey look here comes your eye candy!" Jean blurted out. Your face immediately turned bright red as you punched the shit out of him causing Jean to fall over and hold his face.

Annie quickly glanced in annoyance to the group of you few.

Giving a nervous smile you sat down frustrated as you stared at the groaning Jean.

"Great job ass-licker" you gritted your teeth and eyed daggers at Jean.

"Not my fault you fell for a girl who straight up has no emotion." Jean retorted.

You weren't hungry anymore and pushed your food to Sasha.

"I'm not hungry, I'm gonna go and get fresh air," you simply wiped yourself off and walked out the door not knowing that Annie was watching.

"Goddammit Jean, Connie, everyone!" You were throwing fits as you started kicking the dirt underneath your feet creating puffs of dust to surround your feet as you walked.

"I could get her if she just opened up!" You grabbed a rock and threw it as far as you could. Still frustrated you sat underneath a tree and started pulling out small patches of grass.

"That isn't very nice to the grass." A monotonous voice sounded from behind you as you turned and saw the girl that you go head over heels for.

"Annie!?" 'Idiot that's not how you talk like a human!' You mentally slapped yourself and saw Annie's lightly curve up. "I-I mean, hey, Annie" you mentally slapped yourself again.

"Lil' dick being a jerk again?" She asked, did she ever use any other tone of voice?

"Yea. But it doesn't really matter, I would probably get laid lots times before he ever could." You chuckled and faced the front again. "What brings you out here."

"Sorry for, kicking you. I actually think you're a cool person." Your face heated up in a flash, you felt your heart explode.

"Oh really? I do too." 'What was that!? Dude stop! Pull yourself together!'

"Maybe I would like to be your friend. Let's talk some more tomorrow." You heard her feet shuffle away as your brain turned into mush.

Maybe you guys would go somewhere. Grinning and leaning further onto the tree you felt successful.

Ugh sorry for poopy fic. and sorry it's so short >^< I just needed to get something out. remember I'm taking request. And excuse my bad grammar if any are to be found.

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