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Author's POV


days passed Jocelyn was still in coma, the baby was drinking milk from other mother in the hospital. And Nick... Well Nick was different he changed he didn't want to see the baby yelling at Zion that that baby is the reason for this, that he doesn't love the baby.

Deep down he knew he loved it but the pain was new to him. The fact that maybe Jocelyn is not going to wake up, that he is not going to see her dark coffee eyes hurt more.

"Mr. Mara can I talk with you" The doc came

Nick with his messy hair and red puffy eyes nodded and followed the doctor in his office

"first of all I know this is hard for you... It's new and unexpected what happened we really have no idea.There wasn't any sign of a problem in the pregnancy. But..."

"please doc I don't want to loose her... I can't" Nick said and a tear left his eye

"Mara I am sorry but there are only 2 options I think...she won't wake up, ever... Or is she wakes up she will loose her memory... Fully" the doc said looking down

Nick's eyes were full with salty water, that was slowly leaving his eyes. The tears couldn't stop falling.

The love of his life... His life is not going to remember him or she won't even see him again.

He didn't even want to think about that he jumped and ran outside. Hitting the wall everyone's eyes were on him.

His face was fully red, his hand was bloody, and the tears were rolling down his face. It hurt he wasn't ready what about Kandyee that little angel will ask for her mommy and Jocelyn is going to be like who is she? Or she won't be able to see her again

"Nick..." Nick heard his mother's voice he turned and saw his mother he ran and hugged her tight he needed her now

She confronted him, she told him that Jocelyn will survive, she was giving him hope...but inside she was hopeless.

"Baby...Mario is not the reason for this you need to go and see your baby" His mother said to him

"No I don't want that baby" Nick answered coldly

"yes you do... I know that deep down you do. He is your child, that baby there is Jocelyns baby and I am a mother and I know one think for sure... Jocelyn wouldn't be happy if you hate this baby. She is a mother after all and that baby is part of her."

"keep it, raise it with or without Jocelyn cause she would be happy to know that you are happy with them"

His mother's words were powerful he felt that. He got up and went to the room and saw his son... Maybe the last thing he would have from Jocelyn.

He carried the baby looking right into his eyes and he saw Jocelyn. He saw her black coffee eyes. He hugged his son and cried with him.

"your mama loves you" he whispered

"and she will wake up and hold you and say 'mama's son' and I will just sit there watching her smile cause that's the reason why I am alive"

Edwin was on the other side listening and crying. He didn't want this to end like this. Their love was powerful and they were his parents

So he prayed all day and night.

The next day everyome woke up... Hopeless. Beside Nick who was standing at the window watching his love laying in a bed around many machines keeping her alive

"maybe we need to just give up she won't wake up... Maybe we can turn off the machines" Nick heard the doc talk with Jocelyns dad


"Mr. Mara she is probably not going to wak-"

"AM I FUCKING CLEAR???" Nick cut the doc off

"yes" the doctor nodded and left

Nick walked in and sat next to his wife holding her hand. Beep beep he was listening to the machines he sighed he wanted her to open her eyes. But if she does she won't remember anything...great

"Nick come here" his mother was standing at the door he walked up to her

"Nick you need to rest"

"No mom I am okay I will stay here I can sleep on this couch here next to J don't worry about me"

"nick is she looses her memory remember that -"

"where am i" Nick heard a soft female voice, familiar, the voice who was sending him shivers every time he heard it he knew who it was

His eyes were wide opened he turned and saw Jocelyn she was up

"Jocelyn!!!" Nick yelled and ran to he put his hands on her cheeks rubbing it and hugged her tight

But then she pushed him

"who are you?" she said taking off some of the machines off of her

Nick's face was down he was pale lost

"I am Nick,  we have 2 kids... Mario and Kandyee remember??? You do right you know me" Nick talked devastated

"No I don't you are just a stranger" Her words cut deeper than a knife

Nick turned around ready to walk away

"you are Nick... My husband we have 2 kids that I love the most,you proposed me at Krusty Land you are Italian and smoking hot. You call me ma or mamas. You are not my love you are my life"

When he heard that he turned surprised and scared and he felt so many things

"y-you remember?"

"of course stupid" she said and pressed her lips on his he put his hands around her face deepening the kiss

Its long I know hope you are enjoyong it the next chapter is going to be tomorrow and maybe it's going to be the last chapter. I am sad but also happy🙏🏻❤️

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