Chapter 3: Marissa and Zahara

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 Marissa ran quickly and swiftly down a abandoned pathway of her village. She made noise as she ran-- noise she wouldn't normally make. But now it didn't matter. Nothing mattered now.

Her breathing quickened to long, heaving breaths as she attempted to outrun the militia. Marissa couldn't run forever. But she couldn't get caught. That would too much feel like a betrayal to herself more than a betrayal to her people. 

 She'd steal. Steal things of value. She stole for money, money for food, water. She had to survive one way or another.

Marissa could hear the men behind her shouting at her to stop. She couldn't give in. She was impressed that they found her. Her thievery had started years ago-- so long ago that Marissa couldn't remember the day clearly. 

  She knew that she had stolen a necklace. Not any necklace, an expensive necklace with a emerald pendant that belonged to her her grandmother years ago. 

 Since then, she had lived secretly in abandoned buildings around her village, safe from the militia. Today was her eleventh birthday, and sure, she could drink the nectar and hopefully summon a spirit animal, but then she would be thrown into prison (probably for life).

But, summoning a spirit animal would be cool. It would be like having a partner in crime. 

 Marissa's legs ached from running. Maybe I could stop for a minute, she thought. She turned a corner and collapsed onto the ground, breathing heavily. And that was her mistake.

 "LET ME GO!" she shouted as she was carried away by the militia. Her first instinct was to fight her way from them, but then realized that wouldn't be the best idea. She only had one shot at escaping, and there was a high chance that it wouldn't work. 

"Today's my birthday," she blurted.

"You're eleventh birthday?" asked one of the men.


"Happy birthday, I guess."

'I guess' was better than nothing. Maybe they would let her drink the nectar. Marissa thought about the faces of the people when they saw her, the notorious thief, when she summoned a spirit animal. If she did, of course.

 Then she thought about the stories she had overheard about the Great Beasts. Now they were nothing but fairy tales and superstitions.

  "I suppose that we could allow you to attend today's nectar ceremony"-- Marissa smiled--"but, if steal ANYTHING at all, please note that their will be serious consequences." 

Marissa happily agreed and walked over to the ceremony with the militia. The crowd seemed excited, and a twinge bored as they stared at the large amount of children sitting nervously on benches. Everyone's expression changed when they saw the militia and changed even more when they saw her. 

The happiness inside her faded. She hurried over to the other children sitting on the benches and sat down. They gave her a nervous glare. Nothing more.

A pretty, blond, young greencloak women stood off to the side staring at her shoes. Marissa looked around the crowd to see someone that she knew. Instead she stopped to adults wearing large blue cloaks standing with two children with spirit animals. The feme child with an antelope, the male child with a harpy eagle.

The greencloak, Kaylie, walked over to the benches. She raised her hand into the air, signaling that the ceremony was starting. The crowd got eerily silent. 

"May, daughter of Felix, receive the nectar of Ninani."

The girl stood up and took the flask from the greencloak and pressed it up to her lips. She took one single sip and handed it back to Kaylie. Nothing happened. The crowd remained silent. The girl walked back to the bench and sighed.

"Boone, son of Elrich, recive the nectar of Ninani."

This time a brown haired boy stood up and took the flask. He took a single sip before Kaylie grabbed back the flask. Moments passed in silence. The boy flung himself down onto the bench and crossed his arms.

"Melody, daughter of Ronan, receive the nectar of Ninani."

Nothing happened.

"Rowan, daughter of Wayne, receive the nectar of Ninani."

Again nothing happened. Marissa gulped.

"Simon, son of Howard, receive the nectar of Ninani."

Nothing. Happened.

"Marissa, receive the nectar of Ninani."

Marissa stood up. She bowed to the greencloak then took the flask. The crowd frowned. She held it up to her lips and took one small sip before handing it before to Kaylie.

The nectar tasted like hot, meaty stew. Marissa's favorite meal. As the swallowed, the nectar felt like fire in her throat. She tried not to yell.

A strange flash of light, then the pain stopped. A figure appeared from the light. A fox. A red fox.

A spirit animal! She had really summoned one! 

Kaylie the greencloak grabbed her hand and raised it high into the air. Both smiled. 

"Name and gender?" Kaylie asked.

"Marissa, female. Why?"

"I meant the fox, sweetie."

"Oh, okay."

Marissa placed her hand on the beast's forehead. When she did, she felt belonging, a feeling that she hadn't felt in forever. "Her name is Zahara."


Kaylie, Marissa, all the other children walked away from the benches. 

"Stop right there!" A militia man yelled at Marissa.

"B-but you c-can't--"

"Just did."

Marissa was pulled away by the militia in handcuffs. The fox, Zahara, whimpered. 

Someone emerged from the crowd, tan skinned, wearing a large blue cloak. He was followed by a pale ginger woman, and two children. The female child had an antelope, while the male had a eagle. 

The militia man stared at the tan man, nodded, and released Marissa from the handcuffs. Marissa has dragged away group with Zahara following closed behind. Confused, all she could say was: "Who are you? What do you want with me?"

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