Chapter 1

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First day of school. Money, check. Tooth brush and tooth paste, check. Cute clothes that'll last me until June, mostly check. Comfy clothes that show how I really feel and finish that mostly, check. Suit cases, check.

I woke up even earlier than I usually do today. The excitement to go back to the place I love was too much, so were the nightmares. Those don't need brought up though, they'll never come true.

The smell of bacon and french toast, my favorite, was coming from the kitchen. This year was going to be great, I'd see to that.

I ran down the hall knocking on each of the doors, not all of them were filled though. Waking up my idiotic twin brother and my parents. Sounds of protest were coming from their rooms but I didn't care, I kept running.

To most people this house would be confusing, but to me it was a piece of cake getting through. One hall connected to another in a giant circle that seemed to keep going. A huge chandelier above the staircase that lead three stories down, not counting the basement or attic. Cream colored walls covered with colorful paintings.

To any other it would seem like any other fancy house, but secrets were hidden everywhere. Behind bookcases, in the walls, and in our minds.

My family would be considered the bad guys in any story, and honestly they were. I've had to keep my thoughts from them for years. Somehow, I'm the favorite and they always want me to do things for them, that's why I keep busy. They fight with evil, not against, I don't want to though. I'd do anything but actually. But I love them even if I hate who they work for.

Racing down the halls and to the stairs, the smell becomes stronger, sweeter. Footsteps move slowly behind me mixed with the sound of groaning. Awbin. My twin. The annoying one. The one who looks like me in guy form. That one.

I pick up me speed and relish the feeling of the wind on me. I make it to the stairs and slide down the railing, yep all three flights of them. And it... was... AWESOME!

I slow myself down before I reach the bottom, and fuzzy pajama pants don't make that easy. Yet, I fall off anyway, face first. Rolling over, I burst into a fit of laughter. Even Awbin laughs.

"One, how are you such a morning person? Two, I don't know but you should land on your face more often!" He wasn't even half way down the stairs yet, the slow poke.

"Hey, I'd like to see you try!"

So, the smart idea would be to do exactly what he did:

Step one: put a leg on each side of the rail

Step two: take hand off rail and be a complete idiot

Step three: turn around to make sure parents didn't see that

Step four: realize everything is fine and turn back around

Step five: don't put hands on rail

Step six: there is a choice here

A) Realize you took the wrong side of the rail and there is a stopper, so you jump off.

B) Be like my brother and not pay attention.

I'd you choose "B", well I think you know what happened there, and let me just say I've never heard somebody squeal so loud. Ouch.

I had sat up and calmed down, but when that happened, I died a little. Okay, a lot. I was rolling on the floor with tears in my eyes it was so funny.

Slowly, he slid off the railing in pain, lots, and lots of pain.

Now I was just crying, like full on tears.

All he managed to croak out, "" Oh, the comebacks that could be used....

But I was being a good little girl and that would be mean. So, I stood up holding back my giggles and went to get food. Our maid, Sylvia, was standing at the stove.

"Good morning, Sylvia."

I liked her, she wasn't a bad person or cook. That was enough to get anyone on my good side. But, I'd known her since I was little. We'd gotten closer since then, well as close as a witch and her maid could be.

"Good morning, darling."

Her British accent was beginning to wear off. She'd moved here fifteen years ago and had worked for my parents for eleven, I would've been four then. She'd moved from England in hopes of getting a better job here, apparently it was easier for wizards and witches to get jobs here.

She handed me a plate with a lot of french toast and bacon, and there was a ton of syrup, just the way I liked.

I kissed her on the cheek and sat down with my plate. While I was wolfing down my breakfast, I heard my dad trying to hold down his laughter from the stairs. Awbin must still be on the floor. Most of the pain should be gone by now, so it was just an act.

And then came the complaints. It's all Levana's fault! She made me do it. Ya da, ya da, ya da.

He sighed and started to walk toward the kitchen. He eyed me suspiciously and I held me hands up in defense. Laughing, he sat down next to me.

Finishing my food, already, I kissed him on the cheek, "Morning daddy," and he was putty in my hands. I smiled and put my plate in the sink. "Morning Lana."

I sighed, "Should I apologize then?"

My dad nodded yes even though we both knew I did nothing wrong. So being the amazingly humble, sweet, yet dramatic sister I am, I walked to the stairs, mumbled an I'm sorry, hurtled my brother, and ran up the stairs to change.

Have I mentioned this was going to be a great year yet?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 02, 2015 ⏰

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