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Hello there! This is a brief intro about me so if you wanna just get to the Ocs, it's in page 2!

Things you need to know:

- You could call me Kwaii or Ali if you like
-I'm currently 18 UwU
-I live in the east of America for those with different timezones
-I like drawing and roleplaying
-I'm thinking of putting my drawings in here, but only time will tell...
-currently into "My hero Academia ", so hi y'all xD

Now, everyone has their preferences, but there are some things that do make me uncomfortable. I can't say all of them here so if we do rp, I could tell you some of them depending on what you like as well
But here's the only thing I'll tell you in here that everyone should know:

- I do not do "fetish" rps with fandoms that I'm in, makes it feel weird when you think of your favorite character in that scenario

Now! Onto WG and Inflation things:

-no heavy smut smut, I can accept some bondage in the rps but there is always a limit to the amount of bondage in the rp depending on the theme of the rp itself
-hate the character and not the person, Well, of course-

-I'm mostly ok with gxg (girl and girl) and gxb (girlxboy), I rarely do bxb (boyxboy) since I don't have many guy characters, but I don't mind that as well

-my most important rule: DONT WRITE SHORT LINES!
Me: Larry was running for his life as he felt something chasing after him. He catches up to a bush and jumps behind it as to get the thing off his tracks. As he finally settles, he catches his breath and goes to see if the coast is clear.

Other person: the creature goes back.

Be as creative as you can, the other person wouldn't know how to continue on if it's just that short of a line and it would be less fun to do so and sometimes hard for the other to understand

(What I like in an inflation rp)
- Food, slime, water, air
-no popping when it comes to the 4
-I mostly have inflatees and little inflaters 8v8
-same as wg with the belly rubs and teasing and stuff-
(What I like in WG rps)
-mostly "realistic" feedings, I like the "over exaggerated" feedings but to a limit, if that make sense
-like inflator, I have more feedees than feeders
-belly rubs, teasing, light bondage, Kidnapper, um does "stomach worshipping" count? Is that a thing? Idk but that too
-mostly feeder incharge, not just gentle gesture to feed you but also the teasing feeder that will stuff you (......I can't believe I'm saying this stuff fhdhdhdhdjjd)

I'll add some more things when they come to my head

Roleplay book((‼️warning‼️: mentions of WG/inflation)Where stories live. Discover now