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It seemed that the ground had fallen from underneath her feet ... He is still here. She doesn't know which struggle to fight first: her eyes filling up with tears, her heart beating up like a drum, her hands shaking like leaves ... He is still here ...

She walks up the two steps that separate her from the pier.

He can't see her, his back to her and his face to the sea.

She knows that he will feel her presence, so she keeps silent and walks on.

He turns round, a smile already dancing on his lips and she lets him close the distance between them.

"I thought you were leaving."

"I'm not."

"Why not?"

He lifts up his hand and she immediately notices that he is holding a bit of paper and she understands. One of her SOS found its way to him. They don't need to speak, she just throws herself into his arms, taking him by surprise. She surrenders to his touch. They hold to each other, into the night, under the stars, the moon smiling upon them.

Can wants to talk but she silences him, sliding her fingers across the whole length of his lips. She takes his hand, intertwines their fingers locking them together and guides them back onto the boat.

He is surprised to see that she knows her way around but he doesn't comment. He wants to respect her wish of silence. Actually she's right. They have already talked so many times and to what end? Words can be like knives. They can only do harm for now.

In the bedroom she faces him, looking straight at him, an immovable determination in her eyes, thirst and hunger in her voice ...

"Don't tell me you love me ... Show me ..."

Sanem's fingers reach for the buttons of his shirt, letting it fall to the floor. Her palms are roaming his chest, his shoulders, his arms, his neck, going over his tattoo again and again, using the compass inked in his skin to map his body. They shed their mundane skins and it is only them in their purest form standing in front of each other. Only Can. Only Sanem.

A familiar iridescence catches his eye. He smiles sadly. She did keep a part of him. He reaches for the moonstone ring safely snug between her breasts, close to her heart.

Can is hypnotized.

He can't think anymore.

He only feels the flow of energy.

He lets go.

Once lying on the bed, facing each other, Sanem moves closer because he won't move. She can see fear in his eyes ... Fear that she would vanish into thin air as soon as he would try to touch her again. So she invades his personal space, hungry skin on thirsty skin, giving their bodies the contact they need, the connection they have been craving for months now.

She is sliding her foot up and down his leg while her fingers are running along his arms. She follows every curve and hollow, she feels the bulk of his muscles, the hard softness of his skin. She extends her exploration to the rest of his upper body, marvelling at his perfection. It feels so natural. No awkwardness remains between them.

Can is overwhelmed, almost petrified, exhaling short breaths, gasping when she takes his hand and rests it over her naked breast, his large palm enveloping it fully. He relishes on the smooth and luxurious touch of her virgin territory. She presses their noses together and he can smell that flowery fragrance that drives him crazy. He's back on solid ground, lying down in a field of opulent grass and wild flowers.

THE PIEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora