chapter 1 Rounds

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   Dice finished making his rounds about the casino. He was always the last one to go, he always liked to be sure everything was in it's right place before retreating to his house. Everything looked untouched... just the way he liked it. He found the few soul contracts that had been made that day and went into his boss's office to deliver them.
   "Ah Dice," sneered the devil evil, "how many this time?"
   "About six," Dice muttered. He never really approved or found any reason to moderately like the business he found himself in.
   "Great,"the devil growled, "that will be all then dice, you may go."
   Dice was quick to leave the humid dim office through the crimson red door it held. He walked briskly across the casino to big glass doors and exited the premises after.
   His head was spinning, it had been a few years since the "cup" incident occurred and the casino was booming in business. Everyone thought since two little cups could defeat the devil, why couldn't they? The idiots never realised the cups were actually from a long line of Angel's and had, and have, an unimaginable amount of power... that they can't control. Either way the boss was at a disadvantage and made the decision to not draw it out to use it to his advantage. Well, it worked. Those buffoons come in to try and defeat him and end up having their ***** handed to them and their souls taken. It's a sad cycle to say the least.
   As Dice was thinking all of this he realized he had already reached his home. He fumbled through pockets for his keys and opened the pale grey door. He had planned on staying in this house temporarily but he realized he actually adored the spot so he just remodeled it to fit his taste. It was a bit modest but not small or ugly by any means. The house had a nice feel to it like a nostalgic toy.
   He walked straight to his cozy room and fished around his drawers and closet to find evening wear. (On holidays like today boss would be "kind" and let them go home early, usually they all just met up at some place in the woods to get wasted and smoke.) Dice finally settled on a white button up shirt and some black suspenders with plain brown shoes. A little bland but he looked good in almost everything so it didn't matter. After a while of getting ready and tidying up his house like the neat-freak he is he finally set out to find his friends and go have a good time.

Hey so this is like my first time writing on here so pls be  nice:')

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2019 ⏰

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